Minutes: ASR Round Table October 2002

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1. Name and Convening of RT
     a. RT series: October 2002
     b. Convening date/time: 01 October 2002 (Margaret Kipp CINCSF)
2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
     a. See encl (1) Roll Call of RT
     b. Presented: 01 October 2002 (Chris Mayberry RT Secretary)
3. Presentation of Agenda
     a. See encl (2) Proposed Agenda
     b. Presented: 01 October 2002 (Chris Mayberry RT Secretary)
4. Reports of Officers
     a. CINCSF: 01 October 2002 Margaret Kipp
     b. CSFO: 01 October 2002 Susan Phillipps
     c. RT Secretary: 01 October 2002 Chris Mayberry
5. Election/confirmation of Officers
     a. No offices vacant
6. Motions
     a. Motion to adjourn (ENDEAVOUR, THUNDERCHILD)
          1. Moved (02 October 2002)
          2. Seconded (02 October 2002 )
          3. Discussion Commencement: (02 October 2002)
          4. Amendments: None 
          5. No further business, motion passed
7. Closure
     a. Motion to adjourn passed 03 October 2002
