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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Rache

  • Colony Name: Rache
  • Creator: William Crawford (ah401@detroit.freenet.org)


  • System/Location: Dusin system, spinward
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 2.1 days to Deep Space 12
  • Planet Classification: M-class
  • Satellites/Space Stations: one uninhabited moon (Little Rache), automated relay station (SA-23) in extreme high planetary orbit
  • Land/Water Ratio: 32% land/68% water; Planet covered with saltwater ocean. One major continent in the northern hemisphere, and numerous islands in the southern hemisphere and around the equator.
  • Climate Controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: None


  • Colony Age (approximate): 40 years
  • Population (approximate): 2,500
  • Species Present: 70% human, 30% others
  • Colony Status: Federation Colony
  • Government: Administrated by appointed Starfleet officer
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Miaris Research Station; Christiane Settlement


The planet Rache was first charted by a Pakled ship some 210 years ago. The residents at that time, an isolationist race known as the Kau'ri, were engaged in a massive civil war which would result in their complete self-destruction fifty years later via a massive mutual thermonuclear weapons exchange. Rache was listed as uninhabitable, and extremely dangerous; it would not be visited again for over a century. When a science vessel was dispatched to reexamine the planet, it was found to have been the subject of massive terraforming by unknown parties; a research station was placed on the planet for the dual purposes of finding out exactly what happened, and examining the giant cosmic region known only as Gayle's Ruins (an area of intense cosmic activity, similar to the Badlands).


Latinum-based. Even though it is officially a UFP colony, there is very little actual contact with the Federation.

Tech Level



Typical isolated colonial/scientific mixture.


Miaris Station, the largest settlement on Rache, was built on the northernmost peninsula of the planet's only continent. Christiane Settlement was built on one of the islands in the southern hemisphere fifteen years ago, by a team of independent researchers. The entire planet is in a completely isolated region of space, thanks to Gayle's Ruins, but maintains contact with the Federation via subspace and occasional duty rotations/supply shipments from DS12.

Miaris Station's current administrator is Captain Jeannette Fairbourne.