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=Drecanis RPG=
=Drecanis RPG=
DRECANIS is an epic storyline RPG, taking place in the recently annexed system of Draakin, formally owned by the Ferengi.  The story deals with the recovery of a reptilian quadaped species coming back from near extinction.  They have found a new home, and work to not only rebuild their society, but to show they are strong enough to apply to become a member of the Federation.  Thier goal to accomplish this... building a starship for Starfleet that uses their Wyrmdrive technology.  To do this, even the simple things, such as getting a shipyard built, will prove to be difficult.  Dealing with a virgin world where surface life is unlivable, Ferengi looking to reclaim what is "theirs", and the Federation seeing them as a possible disease carrier, this goal may be impossible to reach.

Drecanis will take place between Federation and Ferengi space, near the Lion's Mane Nebula
Welcome to where fantasy and sci fi meet.... Here there be Dragons.
===Extended Summary===
THe concept is actually a spinoff/continuation of the storyline i had
been developing over last several years with Valareos.
Specifically,a ship designed around the wyrmdrive technology, built
jointly between the Dezeld and the Federation, as a goodwill act in
their application for Federation Membership
The story will actually begin revolving around the actual building of
the ship in the shipyards of New Drecanis, so to start it will be
mostly planetside rpg, designed around training for the unique
configuration of the ship.
It is desinged to be to start a casual rp group, a place even to send
newer players who need more experiance  writing before going to a
ship, in an enviroment that is a bit more forgiving.
New Drecanis sits on the Ferengi border, in fact was annexed FROM the
ferengi using their own laws combined with federation laws to prove
they were there first.
As it is designed to start as mostly rping the building of the ship,
there wont be any real set department head positions as what would
normally be expected, but i expect things to change as rp goes.  I can
see though, at start, is a Starfleet presence to oversee the building,
which may include different departments also training on the equipment
to get ready for flight.


Revision as of 23:17, 30 March 2009

Note: This page details a proposed story arc and is not official ASR canonical matieral.

Drecanis RPG


The following is a timeline that has been put together through various sources that have already been written into the RPG, dealing with the Dezeld, and the Dezeldi

Current Timeline

Year 2020

  • Clan Wars Begin due to resource demand. Overpopulation of planet leads to Cobalt shortage, a needed mineral for their Cobalt-based blood

Year 2110

  • Warp Drive invented by the Silver Clans. Used to hide military resources beyond their systems Oort Cloud

Year 2120

Exploration of nearest system occurs, Asteroid systems show a large amount of Cobalt

Year 2149

  • Tostynjar, Constable of the Orestes, was Hatched

Year 2182

  • First Colony established by Silver Clans. Silvers back out of war on Drecanis

Year 2191

  • Battle of Fire Occurs between Golds and Reds

Year 2200

  • Silver release Warp Drive Technology to the rest of Drecanis, exploration of nearby systems begin to resolve resource crisis

Year 2203

  • Clan Wars Ends

Year 2204

  • Rouge Clan attacks the Dezeld Council

Year 2225

  • Wyrmdrive technology developed.

Year 2240

  • Drecanis ship finds several colonies comprised of a hardy, short lived, fast breeding population they called the Kovoulds. Kovoulds are kept and bred as a food source for growing colonies, as well as the homeworld, become a staple diet of the Dezeld

Year 2290

  • First War of the Kovoulds Begins as several colonies on the outskirts were attacked by forces from the Kovould home world.

Year 2299

  • The Drecanis ore transport ship "F'rralarss" loads in over 2000 Dezeld eggs from the Olath Colony as they recieve word the Kovoulds were incomming. The pilot activates the Wyrmdrive without the use of his navigation systems. The ship went missing, presumed lost.

Year 2303

  • First War of the Kovoulds Ends with the destruction of all but 3 colonies. Dezeld forces are concentrated upon those areas, waiting for the next attack

Year 2315

  • Second War of the Kovoulds Begins, with the assault of the last colonies.

Year 2337

  • Second War of the Kovoulds Ends with the assault on the Dezeld home world. The Kovoulds were pushed back, but as they left the system, they nudged several asteroids towards the Dezeld homeworld.

Year 2392

  • Valareos Draconrouge was born

Year 2393

  • First of the Asteroids sent by the Kovoulds arrives at Drecanis. It misses Drecanis, but slams into one of its moons, causing a shift in its orbit, and a dust ring forming around the planetary system It is written off as a natural event. Program is initiated to study paths of incomming asteroids

Year 2394

  • Asteroid project reveals just over 2 dozen asteroids heading to Drecanis. A state of emergency is called. First fleet that attempted to leave system was destroyed, final transmission showed the Kovoulds as the attackers. Asteroid attack seen as act of war.

Year 2398

  • Failure to push back the blockade of Kovoulds on their systems edge, and unable to prevent the approach of world shattering asteroids, Project begins on a planetary Wyrmdrive as an escape for the population

Year 2406

  • Test run of Planetary Wyrmdrive creates wormhole in Alpha Quadrant
  • Shuttle heading to Alpha Centauri vanishes, Draconrouge family proclaimed missing
  • Shuttle Appears over Dezeldi space, breaking up in the atmosphere. Sharie and Robert Draconrouge die in crash
  • Valareos Draconrouge thrown out of shuttle, caught by Thelareos. Valareos sufffers massive blood loss from injuries sustained
  • Valareos recieves blood transfusion from Dezeld, which begins to act like a retrovirus to his dna, rewriting it.
  • Valareos begins change to first Dezeldi

Year 2407

  • Valareos is challenged by one of the Dezeld, Challenge was won, thus granting him full rights as a Dezeld

Year 2408

  • Dezeld Scientists create memory engrams of 300 of its members, to be sent with Valareos upon return to his own system, to keep their culture alive.

Year 2409

  • Memory Engrams sent back with Valareos Draconrouge aboard a one man Dezeld craft fitted with a small wyrmdrive.
  • A ship appears with no warning between Earth and Mars. Valareos Draconrouge is found aboard, and is taken to Mars Research Facility for medical examination. The alien ship suffers an engine breach and is destroyed

Year 2410

  • The Drecanis Ore Transport ship "F'rralarss" arrives in the Delarus Sector, within the Draakin system. The pilot lands his ship, and uses the natural cave systems to set up a small chamber using materials from his ship, and an atmospheric scrubber to make the small cave area habitable. Eggs are transferred to cave. Pilot self destructs his ship, and activates a coded emergency beacon so to be located by other Dezeld. Pilot then enters a hibernation like sleep

Year 2414

  • Feregi begin exploration of Delarus Sector

Year 2416

  • Valareos graduates Starfleet Acadamy

Year 2417

  • Valareos Serves as Chief Science Officer, then Chief Engineer on the USS Macronin.
  • Valareos's change to Dezeldi Completed
  • Thelaros, Elder of the Dezeld, gives Valareos information for creation of a beacon once a suitible home has been found. THe beacon would be needed for the planetary wyrmdrive back on Drecanis to target the correct location
  • Valareos Served as Acting Commander, USS Macronin during ship's Refit

Year 2418

  • The USS Macronin's captains Yacht, The Heart of God, is refitted with a small prototype wyrmdrive
  • Valareos is reassigned as Cheif Engineer on USS Macronin
  • Investigation of the Delarus sector by the USS Macronin reveals an active power source below the surface of Draakin III, predating any claims on the sector by 4 years. Further exploration discovers a Dezeld pilot, and over 2000 eggs in a state of hibernation.
  • Valareos, as ambassador of the Dezeld to the Federation, requests assistance in the matter from Captain Keijac, Son of Nojh
  • Delarus Sector is annexed from the Ferengi, using the fact that one pilot and 2000 eggs can constitute a colony. Draakin III is renamed New Drecanis
  • USS MACRONIN crew extend the underground cave system of Draakin III, sealing it from outside contamination, and setting up atmosphere scrubbers and replicators to be livible spaces.
  • First 300 from Drecanis arrive via planetary wyrmdrive.

Year 2419

  • Large Metallic Asteroid hits Drecanis, causing a world wide extinction event. Planet is now uninhabitable.
  • Valareos admits to Captain Sanger of placing "unauthorized" modifications to the Macronin
  • Lugh, son of Dvel attempts to get Federation to send 5 ships to clear out the Dezeld from Draakin III. Federation claims that since it is outside Federation space, there is nothing they can do.
  • Lugh is reported missing, his ship never making it to his destination
  • Valareos Draconrouge and Rae Sterling are married under Dezeld Law. Valareos is renamed Valareos fi'Fferyllt, Rae is renamed Fferyllt fi'Valareos
  • Valareos is assigned as Chief of Security, SB Saikai
  • Captain Duvoux orders the Heart of Gold, to be given to the station for further development
  • Tostynjar is assigned as Commander, Orestes Station, then reassigned as Constable

Year 2420

  • Valareos is assigned as Cheif Engineer, USS Macronin


A sample of different subplots that may happen

  • Accident in development of wyrmdrive
  • Ferengi Pirate Attacks
  • Criminal act by Human places them under Dezeld Law
  • Dezeld application to join Federation
  • Theft from Medical Facility
  • Non-Dezeld leader challenged by Dezeld for position
  • Research of Delarus sector
  • Wyrmhole drive tests attract Cardassian attention
  • Ferengi attempts to reannex Delarus Sector