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<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MAY 1996 POSTS: TBD</font>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MAY 1996 POSTS: TBD</font>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Sickbay</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-2-1996</h4>
Scene: Ready Room<br>
Timeframe: After the BRoT and before the wedding<br>
Zane looked across his desk to the two ensigns staring back at
him. His eyes glanced back at his desk computer and he seemed engrossed
in whatever information appeared on its screen. A few moments later his
gaze returned to the two officers. "At ease."
The captain rose and walked over to the room's replicator and
looked back over to Krazny and Jade. "Can I offer either of you
anything?" Both declined politely and Zane settled for a flavoured
coffee, Orange Brandy.
Returning to his seat he turned off the screen and began, "How
would you both rate your individual performance in the last mission?"
After a silent pause Zane prodded one of them. "Mr. Sr'qwon?"
"I performed my duties to the best of my abilities sir." the CSO replied.
"And you ensign?"
"I too strove to perform to the best of my abilities."
"I see." Zane took a sip of his coffee and then set it down on
the desk. "I tend to agree with both of you, as does Commander Maril
who, as I'm sure you are both aware, is charged with the development of
your careers. Nevertheless, I must confess that while you can certainly be
proud of yourselves for making the transition from Academy cadet to Fleet
officer there is little reason to get 'excited' over doing one's duty to
the best of his or her abilities. I expect that of all who serve on this
ship as a 'minimum' requirement."
"However, I must say that I am pleased to see that your abilities
have expanded since you arrived and that is the key. Your assignment as
escort to Commissioner Thessa when we first arrived at Furjen proved to
be an excellent example of this. You not only served as escort and
protector to the Commissionor you both kept your eyes and ears open and
had the insight into the later discovery of the Commissioners... transgression.
But most importantly you had the mettle to report your suspicions of
the commissioner thus giving us a head-start in the investigation."
Zane rose from his seat. "Let's face it, as ensigns straight-out
of the Academy it takes a lot of nerve to suggest that someone as highly
placed as Thessa was involved in any wrong doing. But you did it without
flinching. This shows a level of responsibility that the average ensign
takes a long time to develop. As you have both arrived at this level it
would not be fair to think of either of you as 'average ensigns' in any
form. So upon consultation with the first and second officers I have
entered into the ship's log the promotion to Lieutenant
Junior Grade of Jade Sr'qwon and Krazny Oktabr as of this date."
Zane walked around the desk and pinned the hollow pip on each
officer's collar. "Congratulations to both of you. Well deserved."
<<<NRPG: Feel Free to comment>>>
Returning to his desk Zane continued. "It has been tradition
thus far to promote officers at the pre-mission staff briefing. But as
we are returning to Earth and you are both fairly recent grads,
undoubtedly with friends still in the Academy I thought you might
appreciate the timing a little more." He smiled as he watched
the grins creep across their face's. "Dismissed."
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Timeframe: One hour later<br>
"Can I have a word with you in your office doctor." The Captain
asked as he strode through the door and continued on his way to Tok's office.
"Certainly." Tok replied to Zane's back. He put down the PADD
he had been examining and headed for the office wondering why the
normally cheerful CO seemed so perturbed.
"What can I do for you sir?" He asked as he entered the room and
sat on the couch facing Zane who had selected the edge of Tok's desk.
"I have just had a long, annoying conversation with Captain
Straun of Starfleet Medical. Heard of him?"
Tok nodded. Of course he had, Straun was one of the prime movers
in the research branch at Starfleet medical. He was also notorious for
luring CMO's away from their starships. It was only after they arrived
that they found out the task master he was.
"It seems your research reports have been creating quite a stir.
Now I realize that as well as your regular duties staving off death for
all of us here you have been submitting your reports and proposals.
Unfortunately with only the basic medical background I never realized the
importance of your work. Too be honest I still don't understand it. But
what I do know is that to have someone like Straun sniffing around it
must be damn important."
"So here's the facts, I've got a CMO who is an outstanding
doctor and has pulled off a few medical miracles since he arrived, not the
least of which includes herding Bat down here for a physical..." Both
men smiled as they recalled the look on Bat's face when he realized he had
been tricked. " manage to keep up with research that is
outstanding enough to attract the attention of that shark
Straun and during our mission to Cesphala you performed exceptionally
well in some covert ops. I'd say your a pretty well rounded officer. Am
I missing anything?"
"I'm doing well in the BRoT." Tok added innocently
Zane snapped his fingers and pointed thoughtfully at Tok. "Onta
mentioned that." He shook his head. "Tixx, we can't afford to lose
you. And I think its about time I recognized all of this officially."
He stood and produced a small black box. "Get rid of that hollow pip,
its obsolete." Moving closer to the CMO he pinned the new full pip on to
his collar and stepped back. "Congratulations Lieutenant Tok."
<<<NRPG: Lysle feel free to comment.>>>>
"Well my work here is done. Better get back up to the bridge. Just
remember one thing, that pip comes with a price."
"Your not allowed to take any calls from that weasel Straun."
"Yes sir!"
Congrats to our three newly promoted officers!
This means its time to update your bios:( If you are simply adding a
line to your service record **Please** tell me what the line is rather
than sending the whole bio and I'll add it to the proper section of the
crew bio list. Its a lot easier for me....
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Wedding</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Wedding</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-2-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-2-1996</h4>

Revision as of 23:16, 7 November 2023

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May 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Sickbay

by Andrew Catterick 5-2-1996

Scene: Ready Room
Timeframe: After the BRoT and before the wedding

Zane looked across his desk to the two ensigns staring back at him. His eyes glanced back at his desk computer and he seemed engrossed in whatever information appeared on its screen. A few moments later his gaze returned to the two officers. "At ease."

The captain rose and walked over to the room's replicator and looked back over to Krazny and Jade. "Can I offer either of you anything?" Both declined politely and Zane settled for a flavoured coffee, Orange Brandy.

Returning to his seat he turned off the screen and began, "How would you both rate your individual performance in the last mission?"

After a silent pause Zane prodded one of them. "Mr. Sr'qwon?"

"I performed my duties to the best of my abilities sir." the CSO replied.

"And you ensign?"

"I too strove to perform to the best of my abilities."

"I see." Zane took a sip of his coffee and then set it down on the desk. "I tend to agree with both of you, as does Commander Maril who, as I'm sure you are both aware, is charged with the development of your careers. Nevertheless, I must confess that while you can certainly be proud of yourselves for making the transition from Academy cadet to Fleet officer there is little reason to get 'excited' over doing one's duty to the best of his or her abilities. I expect that of all who serve on this ship as a 'minimum' requirement."

"However, I must say that I am pleased to see that your abilities have expanded since you arrived and that is the key. Your assignment as escort to Commissioner Thessa when we first arrived at Furjen proved to be an excellent example of this. You not only served as escort and protector to the Commissionor you both kept your eyes and ears open and had the insight into the later discovery of the Commissioners... transgression. But most importantly you had the mettle to report your suspicions of the commissioner thus giving us a head-start in the investigation."

Zane rose from his seat. "Let's face it, as ensigns straight-out of the Academy it takes a lot of nerve to suggest that someone as highly placed as Thessa was involved in any wrong doing. But you did it without flinching. This shows a level of responsibility that the average ensign takes a long time to develop. As you have both arrived at this level it would not be fair to think of either of you as 'average ensigns' in any form. So upon consultation with the first and second officers I have entered into the ship's log the promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade of Jade Sr'qwon and Krazny Oktabr as of this date."

Zane walked around the desk and pinned the hollow pip on each officer's collar. "Congratulations to both of you. Well deserved."

<<<NRPG: Feel Free to comment>>>

Returning to his desk Zane continued. "It has been tradition thus far to promote officers at the pre-mission staff briefing. But as we are returning to Earth and you are both fairly recent grads, undoubtedly with friends still in the Academy I thought you might appreciate the timing a little more." He smiled as he watched the grins creep across their face's. "Dismissed." ________________________________________________
Scene: Sickbay
Timeframe: One hour later

"Can I have a word with you in your office doctor." The Captain asked as he strode through the door and continued on his way to Tok's office.

"Certainly." Tok replied to Zane's back. He put down the PADD he had been examining and headed for the office wondering why the normally cheerful CO seemed so perturbed.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asked as he entered the room and sat on the couch facing Zane who had selected the edge of Tok's desk.

"I have just had a long, annoying conversation with Captain Straun of Starfleet Medical. Heard of him?"

Tok nodded. Of course he had, Straun was one of the prime movers in the research branch at Starfleet medical. He was also notorious for luring CMO's away from their starships. It was only after they arrived that they found out the task master he was.

"It seems your research reports have been creating quite a stir. Now I realize that as well as your regular duties staving off death for all of us here you have been submitting your reports and proposals. Unfortunately with only the basic medical background I never realized the importance of your work. Too be honest I still don't understand it. But what I do know is that to have someone like Straun sniffing around it must be damn important."

"So here's the facts, I've got a CMO who is an outstanding doctor and has pulled off a few medical miracles since he arrived, not the least of which includes herding Bat down here for a physical..." Both men smiled as they recalled the look on Bat's face when he realized he had been tricked. " manage to keep up with research that is outstanding enough to attract the attention of that shark Straun and during our mission to Cesphala you performed exceptionally well in some covert ops. I'd say your a pretty well rounded officer. Am I missing anything?"

"I'm doing well in the BRoT." Tok added innocently

Zane snapped his fingers and pointed thoughtfully at Tok. "Onta mentioned that." He shook his head. "Tixx, we can't afford to lose you. And I think its about time I recognized all of this officially." He stood and produced a small black box. "Get rid of that hollow pip, its obsolete." Moving closer to the CMO he pinned the new full pip on to his collar and stepped back. "Congratulations Lieutenant Tok."

<<<NRPG: Lysle feel free to comment.>>>>

"Well my work here is done. Better get back up to the bridge. Just remember one thing, that pip comes with a price."


"Your not allowed to take any calls from that weasel Straun."

"Yes sir!"


Congrats to our three newly promoted officers!

This means its time to update your bios:( If you are simply adding a line to your service record **Please** tell me what the line is rather than sending the whole bio and I'll add it to the proper section of the crew bio list. Its a lot easier for me....



-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: The Wedding

by Kristen Gant 5-2-1996

Scene: 10-Forward
MD: 13.1230

Krysa had left her post on the bridge and was sitting in 10-forward watching out the window of 10-Forward. There wasn’t a lot to see sitting inside Earth’s space dock, but it was quiet and that’s what she needed. She knew it was only a matter of time before her father would be there to whisk her off to the Embassy in preparation for the ceremony. She found herself extremely nervous, despite the fact that she had come to accept what was going to happen.

She had grown fond of Kavan and had enjoyed their time together on the ship during their voyage to Earth, but she couldn’t say yet that she loved him. However, her mother continued to remind her that it took time. Krysa promised her that she would give them the time it took. She would follow through on her responsibilities.

They had spent time together walking and chatting. He had read her several of his poems, and she was pleased to discover his talent for verse was quite breathtaking. There was still no sign of that early telepathic link they had shared back when she was fifteen. And while Kavan said it didn’t bother him, she found it continued to bother her.

It was again pushed to the back of her mind as her father entered 10-forward, “Krysa, are you ready to go?”

She nodded. She stood slowly to see her father offering his arm. He was positively glowing. Krysa couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him look so happy. Together they headed to the transporter to transport to the Betazed Embassy.

Scene: Great Hall, Betazed Embassy
MD: 13.1700

The meeting hall was ready for the wedding. Comfortable chairs were set out. There were stands with flowers scattered around the room. Everything was ready. The guests were being escorted in in various wedding attire. There were tuxes, and gowns, as well as the traditional Betazoid plain white robes, which were always donned prior to the ceremony and then again following the ceremony. The crew of the Feynman had a place of honor directly behind the family.

The prelude music was played by a small band in the corner of the Great Hall. It varied from traditional human wedding music to Betazoid joining music.

Once everyone was seated, Krysa’s father stood, wearing the simple plain white robe, “I have had the honor, over the years of performing several joining such as this one. But none have brought me as much happiness as this one. My eldest child is today joining with the eldest child of my dear friend. Those who know the chant please join with me.”

The Ambassador began to chant a beautiful sing-song melody. He was soon joined by several voices combining in a complex and lovely harmony. This was Krysa and Kavan cue to enter. The walked in hand in hand, moving in time to the rhythm, wearing the same plain white robes that the Ambassador had on. Once they were in the front of the hall, every white robe in the room was discarded and the ceremony began.

Scene: Great Hall, Betazed Embassy
MD: 13.1800

Following the ceremony the chairs were moved to the side of the hall and large tables were brought in. Now was the time for the joining feast. The ceremony had lightened the guests' moods and everyone found they were ready for a party. The band struck up dance music and Kavan and Krysa were surrounded with guests congratulating them.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Yes she is a ‘modern’ woman, her name will not change :)

I didn’t write the full ceremony, cause frankly, I didn’t have a clue as to how they would perform it. So I made up the beginning and it seemed to be enough. You are welcome to dance the night away or excuse yourselves early to get on to your shore leave activities. But I think Krysa would love to dance at least once with everyone :)

Daniel, I’m sorry you got stuck going to a wedding of a crewmate you don’t even know yet :) Don’t feel like you have to attend. It’s not a requirement.... but for the rest of you--- Krysa will give you the evil eye for the rest of your life if you don’t go :) Jarren already on her hit list, for skipping the reception :)

USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Transporter Room

by Andrew Catterick 5-2-1996

MD: 13.1300
Scene: Commissioner's Quarter's

The door chime rang out. Commissioner Thessa looked up from his bag where he was rearranging some of the contents to make sure they wouln't break in transit. "Come-in."


"In here Captain." He called out to the main room.

Zane walked into the bedroom. "Good morning sir. I'm afraid its time."

Thessa laughed. "Don't look so grim captain. I'm not going to the gallows!"

The change in the Commissioner had been dramatic. A week ago when he had been confined he had been almost despondent. The reality of of a ruined life, a destroyed career had set in. Two days later when Zane had checked in on him he had been nearly panic striken with the fact that he faced incarceration. Then two days ago Zane had checked on him again. He had been perfectly calm, seemingly uncaring of his fate.

Zane gestured towards the door as Thessa swung the harness of his bag over his shoulder and followed him out. "You appear to have accepted your fate Commissioner."

"Actually I finally came to my senses. In the end I ended up making the right decision and know one was harmed."

Zane glanced over at Thessa. "Sir, you still broke the law."

"Well..." he smiled arrogantly, a sign of the 'old' Commissioner. " depends on how you examine the facts. As my report to the Council points out. I made a bad decision in trying to discover the underground movement mounted against the Furjen government."

"I'm not sure I follow." Zane told him.

"Unfortunately I let my ego get the better of me and forgot that I was a diplomat and not a spy."

"Your saying that all of that was planned. That you where 'undercover'." Zane asked incredulously.

"But of course Captain! What other reason could there possible be?" he asked smiling.

"Oh I don't about that the obvious is true and you were a willing party to this deception until the truth was discovered. Thats whats in my report to the council."

"Understandable. Completely understandable. You weren't privy to all the initial meetings so how could you know any better."

"Computer halt." Zane ordered. Almost immediately the turbo-lift stopped.

"Commissioner please don't take me for a fool. We both know exactly what happened and your version is simply just fiction."

"Captain it is perception not truth that is important. If we hold your report as being the correct one then the Diplomatic branch has to deal with a very public, very embarrassing incident not to mention the fact that they lose a diplomat of my experience and stature. If on the other hand we accept my version as the correct one than there is no embarrassment and the service retains a vital asset. Of course I overstepped my boundries and must be reprimanded, and rightly so. But please don't worry on my behalf the punishment will not be severe."

"Computer resume."

Scene: Transporter Room.

Zane nodded to Ensign Fuhrman to signal transport. As the sound of the tranport began to fill the room he took a last look at the Commissioner. Flanked on both sides by a burly Starfleet marine the Commissoner smiled at Zane smugly and then disappeared.

Scene:Great Hall, Betazoid Embassy

As the ambassador finished his speech all heads turned to see the couple enter the room. Krysa was more beautiful than Zane thought possible....


Just a quick one to catch up...

I guess we had such a good time at the BP we can't remember it;) Of course the ones I've been to in RL have had similar results.

Max: Do you want your NPC protected?

After the wedding reception everyone is free to head out for shore-leave on Earth. I haven't really come up with anything for Zane to do so if any of you want a companion let me know.

We'll stay on Earth until everyone gets there RL pressures straightened out and have had a few days of shore-leave. No point in starting our next mission until we are all 'back' and ready to post.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS