USS Feynman JUN 1996: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
No edit summary
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MD: 2.1300<br>
MD: 2.1300<br>

*We’ll find you soon, Krysa, I promise.*
<nowiki>*We’ll find you soon, Krysa, I promise.*

* I know*
* I know*</nowiki>

Krysa she smiled faintly in the dark room. She now knew for sure that
Krysa she smiled faintly in the dark room. She now knew for sure that
Line 474: Line 474:
Some of her crew were being brought in a few at a time. She watched them
Some of her crew were being brought in a few at a time. She watched them
with a glare, letting them know there would be hell to pay once she was
with a glare, letting them know there would be hell to pay once she was
free. *Bumbling idiots,* she thought, *why do I put up with them.*
free. <nowiki>*Bumbling idiots,* she thought, *why do I put up with them.*</nowiki>

She did notice that Gro’er and Tofte hadn’t been brought in. She was
She did notice that Gro’er and Tofte hadn’t been brought in. She was

Revision as of 21:21, 13 November 2023

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June 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: #4: Semiconscious

by Charles Jencks 6-2-1996

SD 80602.0830

Krazny Oktyabr felt something. He'd gone into a meditative trance when the phaser stun wore off, so that shouldn't have happened. His eyes flickered open, only to see some medical personell... in blue uniforms like his own - and for the record he preferred red, which was, after all, in his name - huddled over him.

And then a hypo came to his neck, and he was sedated. Unconscious again.

And in his subconscious, he wondered if Sally was in Sickbay. At least he knew he was back on the FEYNMAN - he'd recognized one of the nurses, whom he'd been counseling lately, about the death of her cousin. Or was it nephew? He couldn't recall, not while he was unconscious.

NRPG: Always wanted a chance to play out being unconscious. Don't worry, it was a light sedative, he can be up and about in a couple posts... you don't even have to wait for me. But he'll be in Sickbay until further notice.

Charles Jencks (
(alternate address - coming soon)
---------------------- ASR Charachters -----------------------
LtJG Christophe Boulanger, CEO, USS MELBOURNE (BLUE)
Ens Jarin Edisrevir, CSO, USS LINCOLN (RED)
Capt (FMM) Marie T Alsatien, CO, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) (FT)
Sgt K'Athena Mare, SFMC - FRT-7 (FT)

USS FEYNMAN: Tarrellians Running Around the Ship:)

by Kristen Gant 6-2-1996

Stardate: 80602.1059
Scene: The Ring
MD: 4.0930

*Krysa..* She heard the voice through the fog that clouded her head. It was a familiar voice that she couldn't place. *Krysa, please hear me.*

She opened her eyes only to find it was still dark, but from what she could tell there was no one in the room with her, "Who...?"

*Krysa....* She realized that the voice wasn't in the room with her it was from somewhere else. And the voice... who's??

*Kavan?* she thought. *Yes! Where are you?*

She tried to sit up and felt the room spin, so laid back down. *I don't know... it's dark. I think I've been drugged, because I don't feel very good.*

*Krysa, we're going to find you. Dr. Glin'karr has a plan.*

*You're on the ring?* she called but there was no response, the link was gone.

She was beamed in with the rest of her crew. She glared at the man next to her considering strangling him right there in the brig of the FEYNMAN, despite the fact that he probably had nothing to do with it. He noticed her look and backed away. That made her feel a little better. She moved to the front of the cell and looked out.

One of the security officers saw her, in her Starfleet uniform, "Sir," he said recognizing the Ops officer, "We didn't know you were on that ship."

"It's alright, Ens.," she said in the sickly sweet voice she had come to despise. But it had fooled that Counselor for a while, perhaps she could use it to her advantage. "I'm not sure anyone knew I was there. They took my commpinn," she indicated the empty space on her chest where the comm pin should be.

He motioned for the other two guards to keep an eye on the other prisoners while he opened the security shield to let the Lt. out. As soon as the security shield was down, the woman yelled "Now!" and jumped quickly pummeling the security guard closest to her, then grabbing his phaser she stunned the surprised man at the control panel. Turning she saw her crew had over come the other guard as well.

They moved the three security guards into the cell and quickly moved out of the brig.

Scene: Bridge

"Sir, there is phaser fire in the brig," called Garret from Ops.

"Security to brig," ordered Zane.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay here are some assumptions that I made in order for this to work :)

1) The three security guards are only stunned. I'm assuming that phasers above stun couldn't be used in the brig...

2) It probably won't take long for the Feynman to track down the Tarrellins using their sensors, but they can attempt to get a shuttle or transporter or something... Also that the other Jenn is a not very nice Tarrellian :)

What I'm not sure of is what exactly the Order is... is it Tarrellians ??? I guess with this post I've kinda set it up that way, huh? :)


USS FEYNMAN: Getting a Little Over-Confident

by Andrew Catterick 6-2-1996

SD: 80602.1000
MD: 4.945
Scene: Bridge
> "Sir, there is phaser fire in the brig," called Garret from Ops.
> "Security to brig," ordered Zane.
Zane looked up at the security station, his muscles tensing and adrenalin flowing. In a strange way he was excited by this new development and was ready to meet it, head on. "Mr. Sr'qwon?"

"Sealing off Deck 15, forcefields erected in corridors A-13 through J-16, Engineering is sealed. Sounding Intruder alert. There are three security teams heading in."

"Shall we?" Zane gestured to the turbo-lift and accepted the phaser the CSO had pulled from the cabinet under the console. A quick check confirmed it was charged and set for stun.

"Mr. Jerran, you have the bridge. Contact our tech teams on the OLYMPIA and let the know I want them to speed it up. And let the Captain know that as soon as they beam out he is to take his ship to EPSILON immediately with no diversions."

"Aye sir." Jerran replied, relinquishing the helm to his replacement and heading for the center seat.

As the turbolift door closed Zane hit his commbadge. "Zane to Lt. Koreth. We've had a bit of a jail break, you may want to expect a little company."

[We're all prepared down here Captain. We'll be very hospitable.]

Zane smiled. A group of fanatic's running around on his ship. Not only did they have no where to run they had to face the FEYNMAN's CSO along with two security officers from the past. As far as Zane was concerned this would be easier than a first year simulation. Of course he didn't know they had an OPS officer leading them.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Following A Lead...

by Max Felsher 6-2-1996

SD 80602.1630(GMT)
MD 4.1100
EI Ring:N-L Settlement:Western Section
Post #7

Maril looked around for some clues. After Stio Abigacho's tour of the settlement, he had decided to go to the Spaceport. After all, they had to figure out how the disease had gotten into the settlement in the first place. He was also investigating the reason that there was no panic, no one frightened of this terrifying plague.

He stopped at a "newstand", a place where current information was distributed.

"How much is this?" Maril asked, pointing to one of the printed relayers of information, a "newspaper".

"One birad, please."

Maril paid the one birad, then glanced through the newspaper, an assortment of factual articles opinionated columns, and other not-so-useful information. 'How could people have found the path with such items of Abeba,' Maril wondered.

However, one article in particular caught his interest. The title of the story was "Androxites' Sick Numbers Swell."

The article started off with the fact that the Androxites, a religious sect in the settlement, had had many sick people over the last twenty-five weeks as compared to the twenty-five weeks before that. The general number of sick people was also up, but not by nearly so much. There were several quotes from different officials, but what Maril was really interested in was how the Androxites had gotten sick, as the symptoms listed paralelled pretty closely those of the Tarellian plague.

As Maril wanted to pursue this lead, he tried to find another "newstand", but one that had medical journals. Unfortunately, when he found an article on that subject, it basically said that there was no known reason for this sudden increase.

Maril sighed. Although he wasn't giving up this lead, he would have to go back to the house.

MD 4.1130
88 Sikia Way: Front Hall

As Maril walked into the house, he accessed the settlement private telecommunications station and again put in the code for Stio Abigacho.

"Hello, Mr. Maril. What can I do for you?"

"Well, Mr. Abigacho, I would like to find out what you know about the Androxites."

"The Androxites...hmmm. Part of the Farida religion. Strictly religious. Never go outside at night. Always eat dafala bread at sunrise and sundown."

Suddenly, Maril's face lit up. "Hmmm.... I have an idea. Please meet me at the Spaceport Trade Center."

"Alright. I'll be there before you will."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Big project. Anyway, I would have written more except I have to do some other things. :( I'll try to fnish this up later today.

USS FEYNMAN: Do You Want to Eat That Bread Now?

by Max Felsher 6-3-1996

SD 80603.0300(GMT)
MD 4.1200
EI Ring: N-L Settlement: Western Section: Spaceport Trade Center
Post #9

As Maril walked into the Trade Center, he looked for his young friend, Stio Abigacho. He didn't expect him to be there, since Maril was much closer to the STC when he contacted Abigacho.

To his surprise, Abigacho was there already. "What took you so long?" the young Neo-Luddite asked when Maril reached him.

"Only the swallow compared to the swift," Maril replied, sighing. Abigacho gave him a funny look, like he thought Maril was crazy, but Maril just smiled.

"So, what did you want me to come here for?" Abigacho asked.

"You mentioned that the Androxites always always eat dafala bread at sunrise and sundown. The Androxites' sick numbers have swelled in the last twenty-five weeks. I was wondering if the bread was contaminated."

"Don't you think the doctors would have found something like that?"

"Not necessarily. There are many ways the doctors could have missed it. Faulty equipment, not in that particular sample, etc."

"And you would have better luck?" Abigacho cried out incredulously.

Maril just gave a look that showed that he was hiding something.

"Well, see if you can get some dafala bread from one of the workers," Abigacho suggested.

Maril walked up to one of the workers sitting behind a desk. He looked bored, like there wasn't much going on.

"Excuse me, could you get me some dafala bread?" Maril asked.

The worker yawned. "Well, our last shipment of dafala bread--in fact, our last shipment at all--came in ten hours ago. I can get you some, but it will cost you ten birads a loaf."

"Ten birads!" Abigacho screamed out. "You could get a toaster for that much! Seven and a half is high!"

"Ten birads," the man repeated, obviously angry.

"I'm telling you-"

"It's alright, Stio," Maril interrupted quickly. "I will pay the ten birads." He handed over the ten birads. Moments later, the worker came back with a rather large loaf of dafala bread.

As they left, Maril said, "Alright, you can go back home. I will probably need your help soon, but not right now."

"Fine," Abigacho shrugged. "You know where to find me."

MD 4.1300
East Central Section: Sikia Way

Maril wakled down Sikia Way, almost to the house the away team had rented. He had dropped off the loaf of dafala bread at the team's "doctors' office", since most of the complex medical equipment was there instead of at the house.

Suddenly, the subcutaneous communicator activated. [Security to Maril. The message we received from the perimeter camps at 1000 hours has been decoded. Only text.]

"What took so long?" Maril whispered, knowing the security team would be able to hear it.

[Some of our decoding technology broke down at 1030 hours, sir. Also, the medical team just found something. They say that they will be at the house in fifteen minutes.]

"Well, I will be at the house in a moment," Maril said, walking up the steps. "I am entering the house now."

And as he said that, he did.

MD 4.1320
88 Sikia Way: Living Room

"So, this virus was embedded in the dafala bread?" an officer asked. Maril had called all of the officers back to the house to have a meeting.

"That is true," one of the "doctors" at the "doctors' office" replied.

"But it is only activated when it is touched by saliva?" Maril wanted to make sure he understood.

"That is also true. However, once it is activated, it acts just like the Tarellian Plague--it becomes very contagious."

"Which makes it a very effective way to infect a settlement. Not only can it reach almost everyone in the settlement, but it is almost undetectable. As a virus, it might even be picked up by their technology. But, embedded, our equipment barely picked it up," another of the "doctors" commented.

"Now," Maril started, "I would like to tell you what the message from the perimeter camps says. Basically, it says that it has been found that the Order--a group of Tarellians bent on revenge for the many injustices done to their people after they escaped from their planet--has entered the situation. They took control of a passenger liner, and attempted to keep the Feynman away from the settlement. After everyone on the liner was anaesthatized, the Order kidnapped Ensign Krazny. Also, Lieutenant Jenn has been kidnapped."

Maril looked up. "It seems we have found our culprit."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher



Or was it Professor Plum? :D

USS FEYNMAN: 10-Splitting Up

by Kristen Gant 6-3-1996

Stardate: 80603.1327
Scene: Somewhere on the FEYNMAN
Post #10

She headed down the corridor with her men following her. "The shuttlebay is that way. I want half of you to go there and commandeer a shuttle. Your job is to get to main ship and inform them of our status. The rest of you, find a transporter, and head to the ring. I have something else I need to take care of."

She hoped that things on the ring were going better then they were here. As long as they kept Jenn in hiding, she should be able to pull this off. Though that Counselor would have to die. She waited until her men were well on their way and went to a wall panel. "Computer, Location of Lt. Krazney."

<Lt. Krazney is in Sickbay.>

She smiled and made her way toward Sickbay, moving confidently in her Starfleet uniform.

She was about to round the bend leading to sickbay when she saw two security guards standing in front of the doorway. Taking a deep breath she walked confidently up to them. "I'm here to see the Counselor. The Captain asked me to question him."

The security guards nodded and stepped aside. *This is too easy,* she thought growing more confident by the minute. There were two med techs inside not to far from the prone figure of Lt. Krazny. They looked at her and one said, "What can I do for you Lt.?"

"I'm here to question Lt. Krazny."

"He's still unconscious."

"Perhaps we should wake him."

Nurse Tamy came out of the Sickbay lab and looked at the Ops officer in surprise. "Krysa, I thought..." Then she froze and hit her comm pin, "Security to Sickbay, we have an intruder."

*Damn* the woman thought. As the two security guards rushed in she grabbed Tamy and pointed her phaser at the nurses head. "Back off! Away from the door!" she yelled.

The two security guards moved away from the door as she pulled Tamy toward it. As the door slid open she remembered what she had come to do. As long as her cover was blown anyway..... She aimed the phaser at Krazny and fired.

Nurse Tamy struck at just the right time and knocked the phaser out of her hand, sending the beam searing across the biobed Krazny was on, but missing hitting anyone. The Ops officer quickly headed out the open door running down the hall. She quickly ducked into a ventilation duct and crawled away. She had to come up with another plan.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just having a little fun :)


USS FEYNMAN: Coming Up to Speed

by Kristen Gant 6-6-1996

Stardate: 80606.0020
Scene: The Ring
MD: 2.1300

*We’ll find you soon, Krysa, I promise.* * I know*

Krysa she smiled faintly in the dark room. She now knew for sure that Kavan was looking for her. Apparently Dr. Glin’karr had been helping him make several telepathic contacts with her, trying to zero in on where she was. She had confidence in the FEYNMAN crew and knew they wouldn’t let her down.

She was also beginning to feel a little better, leading her again to the conclusion that she had been drugged. So far no one had been in to check on her for several hours. She wondered if they ever would. Perhaps they were sure that there was no way for her to be found. It was still dark and while her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, she found the room to be empty other then the cot on which she was lying. There was no discernible door, only smooth walls.

She tired to be patient while she waited to be found. After she’d been laying there a short time, she heard a faint whine. She looked over toward the sound and saw a man standing there. “So you’ve come back to taunt me have you.”

“No just to give you this.” The man moved quickly and before she could react she heard the hypospray hiss and the already dark room went black.

Scene: Brig
MD: 2.1300

She found herself in the brig again. This time though she knew she couldn’t use Krysa’s identity to escape. Though she kept her eyes open for another chance. She knew somehow there would be a way out of here, if she kept her wits about her.

Some of her crew were being brought in a few at a time. She watched them with a glare, letting them know there would be hell to pay once she was free. *Bumbling idiots,* she thought, *why do I put up with them.*

She did notice that Gro’er and Tofte hadn’t been brought in. She was sure if anyone could get away it would be them. She also knew that they would be able to continue the mission even if she couldn’t. Not that she was out of the game yet. Not by a long shot.

Scene: The Ring
MD: 2. 1330

"But he's not Starfleet," Glin'kharr declared.

"That doesn't stop me from wanting to help," said Kavan with a grin. "I've already told the Captain my wishes; I'm still waiting for his answer." He watched as the Doctor turned around to look at him.

“Mr. Kavan, I can understand you wanting to help, but...”

“It’s just Kavan, Doctor, and I intend to help one way or another.”

“You’ve already been a big help.” He said simply.

“As long as Krysa needs help, I haven’t done enough.” The man’s mind was made up and there wasn’t much that could change that. “Besides I know if I get close enough, I will be able to contact her without your help. I’ve done it on the ship before.”

“How close?” Glin’karr asked.

Kavan shook his head. “I’m really not sure. We’ve never *tested* it.”

Glin’karr nodded. He worried about finding her soon. He’d made sure everyone had their booster shots of his inoculate by 1200 hours. But Krysa had missed hers. That worried him.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just bringing all of my various threads up to the same time period. :)



by Andrew Catterick 6-7-1996

SD: 80607.0700
MD: 4.1030
Scene: Bridge
Post# 14

"Status?" Zane asked as he entered the bridge.

"No change sir. Engineering is on the sensors but they aren't sure how long until they are up." Jerran replied rising from the captain's seat.

Zane wasn't too surprised. The damage hadn't been extensive but it had been well planned. Most of the systems needed to be replaced rather than a normal re-routing. He motioned Jerran to remain in the chair.

"How long do you estimate for the lifepods to reach the Ring?"

"About six hours sir. But engineering has said at least 10 to get the sensors back on line."


"She warped out of system about 25 minutes ago. Unless there are any problems she'll arrive at EPSILON on 80614."

"Well Mr. Jerran I don't want those lifepods to reach the Ring. I don't care if you have to have people with their nose's pressed against the glass in 10-Forward trying to spot them. Just make sure you do. I'll be in my ready-room."

Scene: Ready-room

"Computer, coffee, black, hot."

A few sips of the coffee and he sat at the desk spinning the computer around to face him. "Computer open a secure channel to Dr. Glin'kharr on the Ring."

[Yes captain?]

"Any luck in your search yet doctor?"

[Some. Kavan and I have been slowly trying to narrow our search field but as I'm sure you can imagine it is very draining.]

"But you do sense her? She is alive?"

[Most definietly. We know she's out there we just don't know where yet. But we will. Soon.]

"Have you heard from Cmdr. Maril?"

[I checked in with a few hours ago. He has made a contact within the local population and feels he may have a lead on something. He is currently investigating it. I'm afraid that's all I know.]

"Very well. We have some business to attend to here." Zane said being deliberatly vague in case unwanted ears were listening in. "But we'll be within transporter range by 1400 hours. I'll be beaming down a larger security detachment as well as Ensign Serra. He has finished all he can do with the engineering projections and he is raring to go on the plague. He's pretty sure he'll have it figured out by tomorrow, latest."

The doctor's soft chuckle came across the comm-link. [Ah to be a fresh young ensign again.]

"Good luck doctor. FEYNMAN out." His coffee cup empty he returned it to the replicator for a refill. "Zane to sickbay."

[Sickbay here. What can I do for you Captain?]

"How's your patient coming along?" In all the excitement he had been unable to check on Krazny.

[Just fine sir. The effects of the stun have worn off and he's now enjoying a deep sleep. Shall I wake him for you?]

"No let him sleep. He deserves it."

Scene: Lifepod

For the one hundredth time Tofte cursed the FEYNMAN, Starfleet and the ancestors of all who belonged. But he would have his revenge soon he smiled confidently.

In a few hours he and his men would be safely aboard the cargo vessels heading for the Luddite's from their trading partners across the Ring. And then they would ram this starship and her devil-spawned crew and when it was destroyed they would carry the plague to the ends of the universe.


Well our two threads are almost caught up!

Bad News :(

Due to RL pressures Bill is no longer able to remain with us as Ensign Serra. He had hoped that his schedule would be lighter but as it has not become so he felt it unfair to remain. He has also offered up his character as sacrifice to the plague so as of now Serra is an NPC with a very short future <EG> Please remove Bill from your mailing lists.

Perhaps when this mission is over we should perform some sort of excorist to remove the FEYNMAN's curse of the CSciO!

Speaking of evil spirits, Jason, whats up with yours?

Bill: Sorry the timing didn't work out but when you do start another character in the ASR I hope we 'bump' into each other.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET