USS Feynman AUG 1996: Difference between revisions

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He chuckled softly as he stretched his arms over his head.
He chuckled softly as he stretched his arms over his head.
*Tremaine and those two other fools too scared to come inside.* From the
<nowiki>*Tremaine and those two other fools too scared to come inside.*</nowiki> From the
beginning, Rimmer had argued that they should have followed the FEYNMAN
beginning, Rimmer had argued that they should have followed the FEYNMAN
into the sack. Why chance it slipping by them on its return to EPSILON?
into the sack. Why chance it slipping by them on its return to EPSILON?

Revision as of 14:11, 12 December 2023

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August 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: Going Native

by Joseph Baker 8-1-1996

SD: 80801.0432 (GMT)
MD: 6.?
Scene: Pirate Base, just outside of the cargo bay

Maril was the first of the group of FEYNMAN "pirates" to barrel out of the cargo bay, taking on his pirate Captain persona and shouting orders to his crew, many of which were in the form of Tamarian orders which even the resourceful LT Jerran had trouble placing. He just nodded and followed his "skipper" out of the hold.

The FCO had decided to take on the persona of a half Romulan pirate who had just recently come accross the neutral zone after the situation was becoming a little too hot for his line of work. Luckily, his little adventure with a real Romulan pirate while the FEYNMAN had visited Earth left him with quite a bit of source material to base his own dramatis personae on.

While in the company of the legendary Captain tr'Khnialmnae, Jerran had learned that Rihannsu pirates tended to be somewhat extravagant in their manner, yet they had a subtle wit that was as sharp as the swords they tended to wear at their sides, and they wielded both with equal skill.

Jerran had decided to forgo the saber for practicality's sake, but his clothes, though still somewhat scraggly, were alittle bit better than most of the crew. He had also decided to remove his usual ear decoration, deciding to emerse himself more into the part of the Rihannsu pirate than a Bajoran raider. All in all, because of his intense military history thus far, the latter would have been much more difficult to pull off.

A group of pirates walked by the FEYNMAN crew, sneering at them as they passed. Maril snarled equally well, and then turned back to his crew to bark some more orders, feigning the unloading of a phantom ship. One of the passing pirates, though, was not amused by Maril's return growl, and when the commander turned back around, he had a large, scaly Gorn staring down at him with dark red, gleeming, faceted eyes.

The Gorn clicked something in the back of its mouth angrily and said, "You got a problem, Tamarian?" He emphasized his anger by grabbing Maril by the collar and lifting him up off the ground. "Cause I'm sure I can fix whatever ails you."

Maril didn't reply, he just simply snarled again and slammed his arms against the bottom of the Gorn's powerful wrists, causing the green pirate to drop the Commander, who immediately rebounded back up with a fist to the scaly chin. The Gorn flew back against a set of crates. He was just about to reach for a large laser pistol from his belt, but Jerran already had both the Bajoran phaser pistols out that he had tucked into a set of shoulder holsters under his jacket and pointed right at the Gorn's large head.

The "Romulan" smirked and said, "I can fix what ails him, too, with just a flick of my fingers."

Maril walked casually over to stand beside Jerran and said, "You'd better listen to Scout, Mister. Now, tell me where the person who's in charge of this joint is before I let him pull those triggers and send your face into Shareeka's realm by the sea of fire!"

The Gorn trembled slightly as he said, "Three levels up, in the Peg Leg Cantina."

Everyone else in the place had sense gone about their own business as Maril nodded to the Gorn and said, "See, that wasn't too hard. Now, let's go pay our respects to the dockmaster here."

Jerran was the last to fall in with the group as they walked away from the fallen Gorn, twirling his phasers arrogantly before shoving them back into the shoulder holsters.

He caught up with the Commander and the rest of the group in a farely deserted corridor on the way to the nearest lift and said, "Scout, Commander?"

"I was thinking of the Terran Boy Scouts, Lieutenant. They were supposed to have always been prepared, and with your show with those two phasers there, I thought the name fit," Maril said with a smitk as they neared the lift. "By the way, how many of those do you have on you?"

"Two Bajoran phasers and a pair of type I hand phasers, sir, in addition to various knives here and there."

"I rest my case, Scout." Maril said as the group entered the lift.

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Making a Housecall

by Andrew Catterick 8-1-1996

SD: 80801.1500
MD: 6.930
Scene: Bridge, USS TYPHOON

The bridge crew of the STORM class cruiser sat silently at their stations. With chronic understaffing all aboard worked double shifts, daily. None complained, although many wanted to, they knew that their only chance of ever getting back into the main fleets was to be seen as the excellent officers and NCOs they all believed themselves to be. But a double shift, seven days a week, quickly took its toll on a body. And as the TYPHOON plowed through the gravitational eddies and streams it remained blissfully unaware of its approaching cousin.

Captain Rimmer sat slumped in his command chair fighting to keep his eyelids open. He was one hour into his third shift in just over 22 hours and that coupled with the boredom and the gentle rocking of the ship as the stabilizers fought against the raging storm around them was conspiring against him.

Actually, it was Lt.Cmdr Gorliss' bridge shift but as usual Rimmer had relieved him half way through it. Part of the reason was with so little to do on the ship the Captain opted for the 'excitment' of being on the bridge, even if it meant staring at the same swirling storm for hours. But more to the point, Rimmer didn't trust his exec. The man was obviously waiting for a chance, any chance, to take command or at the very least take the glory. But soon it wouldn't matter anymore. The FEYNMAN was close, he could feel it. And as soon as he found her...

He chuckled softly as he stretched his arms over his head. *Tremaine and those two other fools too scared to come inside.* From the beginning, Rimmer had argued that they should have followed the FEYNMAN into the sack. Why chance it slipping by them on its return to EPSILON? But that coward Tremaine had counseled patience reminding them that Starfleet had determined large ships could become easy targets for the sporadic plasma charges that frequented the 'sack. And his two lapdogs, their heads bobbing up and down like the like the puppets they were had agreed.

Settling back into his chair he turned his gaze towards the viewscreen. His mind still drifting between stray thoughts, it did not begin to analyze the dull white patch that his eyes lazily followed. Several moments passed before the ship itself recognized the danger for what it was and dutifully alerted its masters.

"Sir! The helmsman shouted out as the collision alarms on his board started to ring out.

Rimmer's brain and eyes finally merged and realized what the growing white image on the viewscreen was..the underbelly of a Starfleet destroyer. "Hard to port! Sound collision! Fire all weapons!"

Scene:Bridge, USS FEYNMAN

"Captain, sensors are picking up a disturbance coming through the storm almost directly below us. Range 10000m and!"

"Helm, adjust course out of its path. What kind of disturbance lieutenant?" Zane rose from his chair and moved to stand in between the OPS and helm stations.

"The storm is really giving the sensors a hard time." Krsya replied as she tried to coax the DELPHI to be a little more helpful. "Just give me a second....there."

"Sir!" T'meg at the TAC/SEC station shouted out. "Identify a STORM Class cruiser directly below us and on a collision course!"

"Hard to starboard!"

"Going to full impulse and turning to starboard." T'jon replied from the helm, in the background Lt. Jenn could be heard sounding the collision warning.

"We're clear. She's behind us but facing the wrong way. They launched quite a volley at us just before we turned. It was lucky they missed." Jenn reported.

"Hail them." Zane ordered

"No response." The Vulcan NCO cooly replied


"She's coming around. Phasers only, her shields at 67%" T'meg added.

"Return fire. Target weapons and shields. She can't go to warp in this soup so she's not going anywhere." Zane stumbled to his command chair as the part of the TYPHOON's second volly grazed along the primary hull.

"Shields at 87%. Firing." T'meg's calm voice rang out. The sound of the phasers pulsing through the ship and then lancing out at their attacker made the hairs on the back of Zane's neck tingle, he longed to be at the firing controls rather than sitting as a virtual spectator. "Hit. Target shields down to 42%, forward torpedo tubes are offline."

The ship shook as the FEYNMAN received another hit, this time on the secondary hull, aft.

"Aft shields down to 38%. Minor damage to shuttle bay, damage control teams have been dispatched."

"Coming to new course 135 mark 28."


Scene:Bridge, USS TYPHOON

The bridge of the TYPHOON was not the calm and efficient environment of its counterpart. As Commander Gorliss emerged from the rear lift he was met with the sight of utter chaos at the center of which was Captain Arnold J. Rimmer. Rimmer had lost control and was now shouting out conflicting orders to the bridge crew who were ignoring him. Trying to get his bearing and take command of the situation Gorliss rushed over to the tactical station. It was too late. On the forward viewer the FEYNMAN banked up from the swirling gases putting itself right into the TYPHOON's path. "Hold on!"

Scene:Bridge, USS FEYNMAN

"Hit. Target shields are down, weapons offline. Target is coming to a stop. We are being hailed."

"On screen."

[We Surrender! Hold your fire! I repeat, hold your fire!]

"Identify yourself."

[I am Lieutenant Commander Gorliss, executive officer...I have relieved the Captain and assumed command.] His nearly calm voice contrasted with the fear in his eyes.

[....traitor! You'll pay for this, I swear you'll pay!] Screamed a voice off screen.

[As soon as I realized what he was doing....I never wanted this to happen. We we're going after pirates...]

Zane motioned for the audio to be cut off. "Is it a trick?"

"Unlikely." Jenn replied. "They have heavy damage only some of which was caused by us, their running a skeleton crew, just under 200 and have moderate casualties. If its a trick it'll be a desperate one."

"Audio on." Zane ordered. "You've offered surrender and I accept. There are no terms. You will facilitate the movement of your crew. All injured will be conducted to sickbay and the surrounding triage areas. The rest of your crew will be moved to the main shuttle bay. Boarding parties will arrive momentarily to take command of your vessel. I am holding you personally responsible for the safety for both crews. Any tricks will be dealt with severely. FEYNMAN out."

Zane turned to the tactical station. "All boarding parties to their designated transporter rooms."

"Aye sir."

"Lt. Jenn you will lead the boarding."

"Sir?" The OPS officer seemed completely surprised

"Once their crew is safely secured away, seal the bulkheads around the shuttlebay and the medical decks, no point in letting them have any second thoughts. From there your priority is to get that ship up and running. I'm sure it will prove to be invaluable."

"Yes sir...on my way."

<<<NRPG>>> Besides the obvious security contingent, the boarding parties will consist of representatives from all parts of the ship but mostly medical and engineering.

Kristin its up to you as to who to take in terms of PCs but I'd guess you have about 100 NPCs. Have fun!

Hey, the Away Team can't have all the fun!

Andy-->Wondering what type of damage Kristin can do with a cruiser under her command<EG>

-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason, INDIGO
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE