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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Starting the Meeting</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 9-2-1996</h4>
SD 80902.2200*
Maril sat in the middle of the Bird of Prey's bridge. It was a comfortable chair, for Klingon Captains liked to dominate their crews from a position of power.
At any rate, Maril sat there as the ship headed for the edge of the Coalsack along with the Feynman, the Typhoon, and the Husnock ship.
After fending off the pirate base's small attack fleet, the BoP had engaged in a search for the officers who had beamed onto the planetoid, as well as Lee, Allard, and his security officer. However, the damage done in the battle hampered the effort and Maril had finally decided to head back to space so that repairs could be made.
Luckily, all of the systems had been repaired, and the new aft phaser bank and the power conduits leading to it had been strengthened. Unfortunately, they had to shut down all power to the bank when cloaked, or there would be a detectable irregularity in the cloak.
They had finally located the Feynman, and all had started towards the edge quickly, ready to convene there at 1800 hours.
MD 7.1800
Dining Hall
Maril activated the holo-emitters which allowed him to see the rest of the senior crew as well as allowing them to see him.
Holographic projections appeared before his eyes slowly and rather out of focus. Obviously, the 'Sack was interfering with the signal.
"Very well. Now that all of us are connected, if badly, we need some ideas," Zane started.
"I was thinking, sir, that the balth 'etlh could head out, cloaked, to scout the area. It would give us something of an advantage. I'd also like to observe that the Bird of Prey is probably the most powerful of our ships, excluding the Husnock ship, and also the most expendable."
"That may be true. However, in this case, we can't let it look like they're the heroes. This needs to look as natural as possible and we can not fire first."
"Perhaps the Typhoon can pretend to still be affiliated with Grey Fleet. It may give us some added time," Jerran suggested. "I've made a self-destruct bomb which we can use if they try to retake it."
"What about the prisoners?" Lt. Jenn asked.
"We may have to move some or all of the prisoners to the Feynman and batlh 'etlh," Zane observed.
"I'd like to point out, Captain, that the batlh 'etlh is just as likely to be destroyed in the battle as the Typhoon."
"Any more suggestions?" Zane asked.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
' Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Just starting the meeting.
My ideas are basically that the BoP scout the area, cloaked, then report back. It would then just follow the other ships, still cloaked, unless the Grey Fleet attacks.
Remember that we don't want it to look like the Grey Fleet is the hero.
By remarkable coincidence, the channel which reruns TNG is having a "marathon" of Klingon episodes, including "A Matter of Honor"(the one where Riker gets transferred to a Klingon ship). So, I had a chance to actually see the ship as I was writing this. :)

Revision as of 18:06, 27 December 2023

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September 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: Searching

by Melanie Pocknall 9-1-1996

MD: 7.1340 (possibly)
SCENE: Feynman Bridge

Meleah stepped out of the turbolift and saw Tarrant working at the engineering station. She assumed that he was trying to find Maril but the thing that puzzled Meleah was that what ship Maril was in. No-one had gotten around to informing her about the various things that had been happening while she was on the surface. Rather than bother Tarrant, who she presumed had only just been informed himself, she went over to Chief T'Kal who was running scans through the computer. Being half Vulcan, she knew that he would give a precise account of what had happened in a shorter time than most of the officers on board.

A couple of minutes later, being more informed than she had been when she had come onto the bridge, she was able to take her place at the second science station and scan for the cloaked BoP. Not an easy job under normal circumstances, it was even harder because of all the interference. Considering how long ago the Bat'leth was sent to look for them, coming back may take a long time. Either that, or they had run into trouble.

Just then, a piece of debris floated past the viewscreen. Straight away, Meleah focused scanners on it, just as Tarrant ordered the tactical officer to do so. After a couple of minutes, Meleah was able to make a judgement. "The debris appears to be from a small vessel, possibly a runabout. It is hard to tell but there is radiation emanating from it which may have been caused by disrupters. The disrupters were...." She paused to look at her readings. "Of Klingon origin."

"So we know that Cmdr Maril was down there somewhere. But where is he now?"

"That is impossible to calculate, Lt, especially as...." Meleah's voice trailed off as she realized what he meant. "Oh. It was a rhetorical question. In that case, I will attempt to find out."

Tarrant shook his head slightly, and turned back to his work.

Half an hour went by in relative silence. No trace of the BoP was found. Even if Maril hadn't engaged the cloak, it would still be difficult to sense the ship before it showed on the viewscreen. Then, almost as if Meleah had willed it, the Bat'leth decloaked.

"Incoming message from the Bird of Prey," announced PO Williams.

"On screen," said Tarrant, coming down to stand in front of the screen.

Maril's face appeared. "It seems that Lenart has come to the mountain after all."

Off-screen, Meleah face showed a puzzled expression until she figured out what he meant. Tamarian metaphors were harder to understand than human speech.


Well, it's a strange ending but at least we've found the BoP. Shall we get going?

BTW, I apologize for mucking up the mission dates. Sometimes they can be very hard to keep track of <G>.

Sincerely yours,
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN.


USS FEYNMAN: Homeward Bound

by Andrew Catterick 9-1-1996

SD: 80901.1600
MD: 7.1500
Scene: Turbolift

Zane stood quietly in the 'lift pondering all that had happened in the past few hours, the arrival of Dee, the revelations she had confronted him with, the possibilities that could have been.... He had made the right decision, he knew that. But why did he feel the fool?

Krysa was coming along fine. He had stayed in sickbay as Glin'kharr had examined the ring and discovered its workings. In esscence it was really just a simple device and the doctor quickly developed a regime of mental training and pharmacuticals that Krysa could take so she would not be susceptible to any further 'attacks' no matter what Dee had promised. Zane was quite embarrassed with the solution Dee had provided. It seemed so obvious now that he cursed himself for making the deal so quickly. But he couldn't risk his second officer and needed her on the bridge. And, he reluctantly told himself, he couldn't allow his innermost thoughts to be relieved. He would have to keep Dee and Krysa apart until she was released on EPSILON. Krysa could never know.

"Report." He ordered as he entered the bridge. Lt. Koreth looked up from the engineering station and turned to face the captain.

"We are proceeding to the edge of the sack at 1/2 impulse eta 18:00. TYPHOON and the Bat'leth are in formation. The link to the Husnock ship has given us no problems. It is 1000m aft and under its own power."

Zane nodded. "Good. How are a the logs?"

Tarrant almost smiled, a sure sign of his excitement. "We continue to download but are quickly running out of space. The information I have examined so far is....fascinating. Captain we can't let this ship be taken by the GREY's. The information is too valuable."

"We'll do our best."

"Yes sir." The CEO replied.

"Signal TYPHOON and Bat'leth and let the officers on board FEYNMAN know that we'll have a brief meeting once we reach the perimeter. You have the bridge I'll be in my ready-room."

"Aye sir."


Just a short one to keep the ball rolling. Feel free to start the meeting...Zane's idea is to have the TYPHOON pretend to still be in the hands of the GREY Fleet and exit the sack towing the FEYNMAN while the Bat'leth remains cloaked and the Husnock takes a 'wider' remote course to EPSILON. Obviously we won't be able to fool Tremaine for long but it might get us a good distance. Of course have your characters put forth their own suggestions as mine is not necessarily the one we'll use.

One problem....TYPHOON still has 200 odd prisoners aboard and we can't really just let them be killed so what do we do with them if it seems TYPHOON may be destroyed? FEYNMAN and Bat'leth can take some but not all.

Mike: Don't know how bad J.C. is so I didn't mention it either way...its up to you if your in sickbay for an extended visit or a quick fix.


-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Three-Way Calling

by Jason Bostjancic 9-2-1996

SD: 80902
MD: 7:1753

Tarrant had been pouring over the Husnock logs as they came in. A majority of the information was that of star charts, but every once in a while some engineering marvel would come across and would send the CEO's mind whirling.

He already had some new ideas for upgrading the Feynman's power supply. Of course it would have to be passed by Starfleet command but it couldn't hurt to 'experiment'.

"Sir... SIR!" The AOPS was looking at him

Tarrant turned around from his station from which he had been glued. They were approaching the perimeter.

"Scan through to the outside, are there any ships out there?"


Tarrant tapped his comm badge. "Tarrant to Zane... we are approaching the perimeter."

  • NRPG*

We're here. Short I know, but gotta go quicker than I thought...


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"


by Michael "Mike" Dailey 9-2-1996

SD: 80902
MD: 7.1757

J.C. looked around the sterile and busy sickbay, feeling like he had just slept for a week, but felt a slight pain and warm sensation in his upper-right chest. He moved his hand over the small scar tissue, not yet removed by one of the Doctors. As he tried to set up, one of the duty nurses came over to him.

"Hold on there, Ensign. Lie back down. You're not going anywhere", he stopped J.C. and tried to lower him back down.

"Nurse, I'm fine. I don't need to be wasting space here in sickbay. Where's the CMO? Let me talk to Dr. Glin'Khar. He'll tell you I'm O.K."

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO FLEET


short but sweet. Just like this weekend! Cheers All!



by Kristen Gant 9-2-1996

Stardate: 80902.2259
Scene: Sickbay
MD: 7.1500

Commander Zane had left Sickbay when Glin'kharr had sat down with Krysa to plan a way to keep this from happening again. "You're going to have to work on building up you mental defenses. I'm sure you had them before your accident, it shouldn't be that hard to rebuild them." He told her. "This is a drug which can help."

"Not more drugs.." Krysa moaned. "That's what got me into this."

"That's only part of it. Besides these aren't the same type of drugs."

Krysa's gaze moved to the carbon copy sitting in Glin'kharr's office. "What about her? Is she Betazoid, too?"

"I don't think so. Though I'm sure she's from some telepathic race."

"You're going to give her a new face?"

"That was part of the Captain's bargain to gain her secret."

"I'm glad." Krysa sighed, "I don't like the idea of someone else walking around looking like me."

Dr. Glin'kharr held out the ring in his hand to her. Krysa stared at it a moment, then shook her head. "No, I don't want it back."

"I assure you it's been neutralized. It will never work like that again."

Krysa tentative took it, looking at it briefly. "Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else you need from me now."

Glin'kharr shook his head, "Not unless you get anymore headaches."

Krysa rolled her eyes. "I promise I will never try to cure a headache with a hot fudge sundae again."

She stood and headed out of Sickbay to prepare for the holo-conference. Having been stuck in Sickbay for so long, she had a lot to catch up on. Stopping at her quarters she gently set the ring in her jewelry box. She knew she wouldn't be able to wear it again, no matter whether it was neutralized or not.

Scene: Holodeck - Holo-conference
MD: 7.1800

Krysa spoke up, "Sir, it seems to me that there is no way to ensure that any of our ships will not be destroyed. We can only try to prevent it. I think our best bet would be to move all unessential personnel to the Husnock ship."

"We don't have full control of that ship, Lt." Zane pointed out.

Krysa nodded, "I know. But we know for a fact that the batlh'etlh, the TYPHOON and the FEYNMAN are most likely to meet the Grey fleet. If we release the Husnock ship sending it straight for EPSILON, while the rest of us distract the Grey fleet, there are other starships that can intercept the Husnock ship and take charge of it's passengers.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, it's an option :}

Kristen & Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Starting the Meeting

by Max Felsher 9-2-1996

SD 80902.2200* Maril sat in the middle of the Bird of Prey's bridge. It was a comfortable chair, for Klingon Captains liked to dominate their crews from a position of power. At any rate, Maril sat there as the ship headed for the edge of the Coalsack along with the Feynman, the Typhoon, and the Husnock ship.

After fending off the pirate base's small attack fleet, the BoP had engaged in a search for the officers who had beamed onto the planetoid, as well as Lee, Allard, and his security officer. However, the damage done in the battle hampered the effort and Maril had finally decided to head back to space so that repairs could be made.

Luckily, all of the systems had been repaired, and the new aft phaser bank and the power conduits leading to it had been strengthened. Unfortunately, they had to shut down all power to the bank when cloaked, or there would be a detectable irregularity in the cloak.

They had finally located the Feynman, and all had started towards the edge quickly, ready to convene there at 1800 hours.

MD 7.1800 Dining Hall

Maril activated the holo-emitters which allowed him to see the rest of the senior crew as well as allowing them to see him.

Holographic projections appeared before his eyes slowly and rather out of focus. Obviously, the 'Sack was interfering with the signal.

"Very well. Now that all of us are connected, if badly, we need some ideas," Zane started.

"I was thinking, sir, that the balth 'etlh could head out, cloaked, to scout the area. It would give us something of an advantage. I'd also like to observe that the Bird of Prey is probably the most powerful of our ships, excluding the Husnock ship, and also the most expendable."

"That may be true. However, in this case, we can't let it look like they're the heroes. This needs to look as natural as possible and we can not fire first."

"Perhaps the Typhoon can pretend to still be affiliated with Grey Fleet. It may give us some added time," Jerran suggested. "I've made a self-destruct bomb which we can use if they try to retake it."

"What about the prisoners?" Lt. Jenn asked.

"We may have to move some or all of the prisoners to the Feynman and batlh 'etlh," Zane observed.

"I'd like to point out, Captain, that the batlh 'etlh is just as likely to be destroyed in the battle as the Typhoon."

"Any more suggestions?" Zane asked.

The sun has met the sea,
' Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Just starting the meeting. My ideas are basically that the BoP scout the area, cloaked, then report back. It would then just follow the other ships, still cloaked, unless the Grey Fleet attacks. Remember that we don't want it to look like the Grey Fleet is the hero.

By remarkable coincidence, the channel which reruns TNG is having a "marathon" of Klingon episodes, including "A Matter of Honor"(the one where Riker gets transferred to a Klingon ship). So, I had a chance to actually see the ship as I was writing this. :)