Sarah Emery Asher

From StarFleet Bureau of Information


Surname: Asher
Given Name(s): Sarah Elizabeth Emery
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Current Billet: Tactical Executive Officer,U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000)
Status: Active (2419)
First Appearance: Mentioned in Introductions Foretold (No true appearances)
Last Appearance:
Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 27 (Standard Terran Years)
Date of Birth: 11 March 2392
Place of Birth: Seattle,Washington,Earth
Height: 1.25 m
Weight: 45.20 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair.: Brown/Blonde
Complexion: White
Spouse: Jonathan Asher
Parent(s):Derek & Eloise Emery
Lily Emery (died 2399)
Henry James Emery
Robert Asher (born 2416)
Religion: Roman Catholic

Related Enlisted/Command Officers

Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Asher,M.D.,chief medical officer, U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000) (husband)

Billet/Posting History

U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000), tactical executive officer (current)
U.S.S. Frontier (NCC-38912), tactical officer
U.S.S. Hope (NCC-2784), tactical officer