Serenity Mission 2 Timeline

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Current Mission Timeline: Mission 1- "The Signal"
Version 2.0 (Updated SD 350704)

When a group of writers post, it can become difficult to keep track of the posts once a few start coming in; this is compounded by the fact that not every post is written in strict chronological order- we use flashbacks, flash forwards, and other tools when creating our stories. Having an updated mission timeline becomes an indispensable tool in keeping track of what is happening when during a mission.

  • NOTE: This timeline only recounts the events leading up to the mission's culmination at this time. Reconstructing the entire timeline is happening as we speak.
Mission #2 Timeline: "TBD"
The timeline is listed from the most recent post at the top (according to mission date) to the earliest. *NOTE: The "Mission SD" is the actual SD on which the action of the post takes place. IT IS NOT THE SD OF WHEN IT WAS WRITTEN. Those are two completely separate things; just because a post was written on SD 350630 (June 30, 2435/2023) does NOT mean that is when the action takes place. Mission SD is based on the very first post of the mission- that day is MD 1, and whatever SD it is in-game is the Mission SD for the post. Example: say I write the first post of a mission on SD 350630- June 30, 2435/2023. That is our starting point- it is MD 1. So, now, if I post 3 weeks later on SD 350721 (July 21, 2435/2023) but the action is still on MD 1, that means the post takes place on SD 350630 regardless of the fact that I wrote it on SD 350721. You do not have to worry about figuring out the Mission SD- as long as you are careful about your MD, I will do the rest. This is just for your reference. MD Mission SD* AUTHOR(S) TITLE OF POST POST SUMMARY
1.1800 350729 Lusby "Two Velds Walk Into ADM Conrad Veld and RADM Cayle Veld a Bar..." have a drink at SB ALPHA.