USS Feynman APR 1996

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April 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Fobok Must Be On To Something

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80401.0048
Scene: Malia’s restaurant
MD: 2.1230

>"Very well, we will meet tomorrow at 0500 hours to exchange data."
>[Understood. Fobok out]

The doctor and the second officer looked at each other. Neither really wanted to split up their away team, but as it was officially shore leave there wasn’t any reason why they shouldn’t.

“So what do you make of that?” ask the Bolian.

Krysa shook her head, “I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like Fobok to just take off like that. However, this is a very friendly planet, so I suppose we shouldn’t worry.” She was right. So far they had not seen anything to lead them to believe that Fobok would not be safe.

They begged their leave from a disappointed Malia and headed out to further explore the festival. There was a lot of eating and dancing going on. Though, Krysa noted, they were not consuming any alcoholic beverages. Everything seemed to be aimed toward one purpose during this festival: Conception.

As the night wore on, they noticed the planet’s inhabitants beginning to pair off and disappear into the night. Both were exhausted and headed to the inn where Malia had helped them to secure lodgings for the night. They were given strange looks as each went into thier own room. Once in their rooms the two exhausted officers fell fast asleep.

Scene: Malia's restaurant

Lt. Fobok did not arrive at the appointed time, which was extremely rare for the Vulcan. Dr. Tok blamed himself for not searching for him the day before. Krysa knew that there had not been any reason yesterday to worry, so tried to calm Tok’s fears.

“Jenn to Fobok, report please.”

[Fobok here.] came the tired voice.

“Where are you, Mr. Fobok. You were supposed to meet us at the restaurant at 0500 hours. What are you doing?” said Krysa annoyed at the Vulcan obvious disregard for his crewmates.

[I apologize, Lt., I just got to sleep two hours ago, and I forgot to have someone wake me up. I will meet you later in the day.]

“Fobok, we would you here now!” said Krysa.

[Lt., I am sorry, but that isn’t possible right now. I will explain when I see you later.]

Krysa was flustered. She did not like being put off like this. “Mr. Fobok, I’m afraid I need a little more explanation then that right now.”

[I can’t discuss it right now, but I promise it will be worth it.> The link was silent for a moment. <Krysa, don’t worry, I’m fine. Please, let me finish this.]

Krysa sighed. “Very well, Mr. Fobok. But this had better be worth it. Jenn out.”

Dr. Tok looked at her. “What do you think that is all about?”

“I don’t have a clue, but I really can’t order him to report. This is officially still shore leave.”

Malia came out of the kitchen and greeted her guests. “Did you all have a good night last night?”

“Oh, yes,” said Krysa, trying to put her concern for Fobok out of her mind.

“This morning is the elections, you know.” Tok and Jenn nodded, and Malia continued, “We will have the broadcast on here all day.”

“The festivities are over?” asked Krysa.

“Oh no,” said Malia. “But this is an important election after all. So things are just put on hold for a while. I’m sure things will resume in no time. We Furjenian’s don’t like our Fertility Festival interrupted!”

Krysa smiled. Somehow she didn’t doubt it.

Lt. Krysa Jenn