USS Feynman APR 1996

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April 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Fobok Must Be On To Something

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80401.0048
Scene: Malia’s restaurant
MD: 2.1230

>"Very well, we will meet tomorrow at 0500 hours to exchange data."
>[Understood. Fobok out]

The doctor and the second officer looked at each other. Neither really wanted to split up their away team, but as it was officially shore leave there wasn’t any reason why they shouldn’t.

“So what do you make of that?” ask the Bolian.

Krysa shook her head, “I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like Fobok to just take off like that. However, this is a very friendly planet, so I suppose we shouldn’t worry.” She was right. So far they had not seen anything to lead them to believe that Fobok would not be safe.

They begged their leave from a disappointed Malia and headed out to further explore the festival. There was a lot of eating and dancing going on. Though, Krysa noted, they were not consuming any alcoholic beverages. Everything seemed to be aimed toward one purpose during this festival: Conception.

As the night wore on, they noticed the planet’s inhabitants beginning to pair off and disappear into the night. Both were exhausted and headed to the inn where Malia had helped them to secure lodgings for the night. They were given strange looks as each went into thier own room. Once in their rooms the two exhausted officers fell fast asleep.

Scene: Malia's restaurant

Lt. Fobok did not arrive at the appointed time, which was extremely rare for the Vulcan. Dr. Tok blamed himself for not searching for him the day before. Krysa knew that there had not been any reason yesterday to worry, so tried to calm Tok’s fears.

“Jenn to Fobok, report please.”

[Fobok here.] came the tired voice.

“Where are you, Mr. Fobok. You were supposed to meet us at the restaurant at 0500 hours. What are you doing?” said Krysa annoyed at the Vulcan obvious disregard for his crewmates.

[I apologize, Lt., I just got to sleep two hours ago, and I forgot to have someone wake me up. I will meet you later in the day.]

“Fobok, we would you here now!” said Krysa.

[Lt., I am sorry, but that isn’t possible right now. I will explain when I see you later.]

Krysa was flustered. She did not like being put off like this. “Mr. Fobok, I’m afraid I need a little more explanation then that right now.”

[I can’t discuss it right now, but I promise it will be worth it.] The link was silent for a moment. [Krysa, don’t worry, I’m fine. Please, let me finish this.]

Krysa sighed. “Very well, Mr. Fobok. But this had better be worth it. Jenn out.”

Dr. Tok looked at her. “What do you think that is all about?”

“I don’t have a clue, but I really can’t order him to report. This is officially still shore leave.”

Malia came out of the kitchen and greeted her guests. “Did you all have a good night last night?”

“Oh, yes,” said Krysa, trying to put her concern for Fobok out of her mind.

“This morning is the elections, you know.” Tok and Jenn nodded, and Malia continued, “We will have the broadcast on here all day.”

“The festivities are over?” asked Krysa.

“Oh no,” said Malia. “But this is an important election after all. So things are just put on hold for a while. I’m sure things will resume in no time. We Furjenian’s don’t like our Fertility Festival interrupted!”

Krysa smiled. Somehow she didn’t doubt it.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

USS FEYNMAN: After the Blue Stork Riot

by Charles Jencks 4-1-1996

SD 80401.0000
MD 3.0400

Having beamed back to the FEYNMAN and deposited Commissioner Thessa in the Sickbay, Ensign Krazny Oktyabr and Ensign Jade Sr'qwon reported to the Captain. "Sir, we've returned from the surface. The Commissioner is somewhat drunk and slightly injured, sir. I had to carry him to a safe beamup point slung over my shoulder."

"The riot?"

"The local security force was starting to suppress the insurrection when we beamed up. I don't know how mad the Commissioner will be when he wakes up, because he wanted to see more of the city."

"He'll probably have time for that. Look, the locals have asked us to provide observers for the election. You'll be leaving for the main ballot-counting facility in the capital city in six hours, two hours after the polls open. The Commissioner has been asked for, so if he's in any condition to leave Sickbay, he goes."

"Yes, sir."

"I suggest you two get some rest. Be back here at 0800. You beam down at 1000."

NRPG: The election awaits...

PS I'm back from vacation.

- Charles Jencks (                              -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -

-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: Reporting In

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80401.0104
Scene: Fertility Festival
MD: 3:0800

Tok and Jenn had spent the last several hours listening to Malia and her staff’s views on the election. Krysa noticed that it was time to report in to the Captain. She excused herself leaving Tok with the others. Once she found a quiet spot she hit her comm badge.

“Jenn to Feynman.”

<Zane here, what’s your report, Lt.>

“Tok and I are having a wonderful time. The people are extremely friendly and everything we have seen, leads us to believe that this planet should be excepted into the federation.” She paused wondering how to explain the Fobok situation.

<What about Lt. Fobok?>

“Well, Sir. Dr. Tok and I haven’t actually seen Mr. Fobok since yesterday at lunch. We have been in contact with him, but he refuses to tell us what is going on. He promises that he is fine and that he will have something interesting to report later in the day.” Krysa hoped she had acted correctly in not ordering Mr. Fobok to rejoin them.

<Alright, Lt. Contact him again to make sure he is okay. Tell him I personally want a report from him by 1200.>

“Yes, Sir. I will do that. Jenn out.” Krysa quickly hailed Lt. Fobok and told him of the Captain’s request. Fobok seemed annoyed, but promised he would contact Zane by the appointed time. With that Krysa rejoined Tok and the other to watch the coverage on the election.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just a Short not to report in. Lysle if you have anything to add to the report feel free.


USS FEYNMAN: Jenn and Tok to the Rescue

by Kristen Gant 4-2-1996

Stardate: 80402.1528
Scene: Malia’s Restaurant
MD: 3:1030

The two Starfleet officers sitting at Malia’s restaurant hadn’t been paying to much attention to the broadcast of the Election. It certainly wasn’t the most interesting thing going on, even if it would turn out to be the most important as far as the Federation was concerned.

They were watching a couple dance on a table top with everyone laughing and clapping around them. Malia was distracted from the display in time to catch the running tally. She frowned. Krysa saw her look and turned to her.

“What’s wrong, Malia?”

“They are predicting a strong showing for the Yinterego Consolidacy.” the woman grimaced. “That’s not good for the Federation. They are separatists, wanting to keep other races from crossbreeding our world.”

Krysa had to contain her smile. Yes, the way these people felt about breeding, once they were members of the Federation, there could very likely be interspecies breeding. Yet, if they won the election, then their trip here was for nothing.

[Zane to Jenn.]

“Jenn here.”

[I need to speak to you alone, Lt. Please find a quiet spot.]

“Just a moment, sir.” She nodded to Malia, and turned to find the Doctor. Tok was enjoying the show, so she left him there and walked to a quieter section of the restaurant. Looking around she found no one about, “Jenn to Zane, I’m alone.”

[Lt., Cmdr. Maril and his team have not reported in. We can not find any sign of them on sensors, either. I want you and Tok back up here to plan our next move.]

“What about Lt. Fobok, sir?”

[Don’t worry about him. I’ve already checked in with him and he’s fine. Ens. Jade and Ens. Krazney are watching the Commissioner, and I’d like them to stay there. But I need you and Tok here.]

“Yes, sir. I’ll get the Doctor.

[Zane out]

Krysa headed back into the main dining area and pulled Tok aside and explained the Captain’s new orders.

“I don’t like leaving Fobok down here.” frowned the doctor.

“Me either, but those are the Captain’s orders.” She turned to Malia and thanked her for her hospitality then the two officers exited the restaurant and beamed back to the ship.</nowiki>

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just thought I’d get Krysa and Tixx in on finding our missing officers. Since Jade brought her suspicions to Zane I figured he’s want the to stay close to Thessa. (Hey, I can’t help it if they disobey orders <G>)

Lsyle & Andy, any idea how we can find Maril, Koreth and Jerran?


USS FEYNMAN: The Grey Party

by Charles Jencks 4-2-1996

SD 80402.1600
Furjen Ballot Counting Facility.

"No, Jade, I'm staying here. But if you find out the commissioner did something, then you can tell me and I'll tell them."

He then walked away from Jade and to a viewscreen. A new party, called the Grey Party, was shooting up in the totals, now up to 8 percent, and rising.

He approached the supervisor of the counting facility. "Who are the Grey Party?"

"Radicals. Don't worry, they're harmless. Actually, I'm a Grey."

"Well, what do they stand for?"

"Families. They want lots of new schools, playgounds, everything for little kids. And one more thing: They're as radical as the Yiteringos when it comes to the Federation."

"Really? Then how come they're starting to gain on them?"

"The Grey Party's position on the Federation is the exact opposite of that of the Yiteringos. They want membership, immediately."

Krazny looked over to a narby screen. The Greys were now at 10 percent, but the Yiteringos were currently pulling 49 percent of the votes.

NRPG: Hmmm... hope lingers on the horizon. And, as far as Krazny's decision to stay goes, he could have gone either way, but he didn't want to disobey the Captain. (One of my other charachters just got formally reprimanded for something similar, and I didn't want to do that again right away.)

- Charles Jencks (                              -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -

-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: I'm Here Now, You're Safe :)

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80403.0426
Scene: Museum of Science (Selgo)
MD: 3:1130

The three Feynman crew ran toward the loud crashing sound, and quickly ran inside to investigate. Sure enough true to Tok’s word there were the three Starfleet officer looking down from a ceiling panel they had pushed out onto the floor. The crashing sound had been the panel as it fell smack dab on top of a Statue in the middle of the floor.

“See guys, I told you I’d find a way out of here.” Lt. Jerran said to the other officers looking down from the ceiling. “Hi Krysa! Hi Tixx! It’s about time you guys got here!”

“What are you doing up there?” Krysa called.

“It’s a long story,” said Maril. “I don’t suppose you could find us a ladder or something?”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Krysa turned to the doctor who was doing his best to control his laughter. “Call the captain and tell him we found them.”

“I’m here as well, Lt.” called down Fobok.

Krysa looked up in disbelief. “This is going to be some story, I can tell.” She then turned and found an official looking person to help get the officers down.

Time: 3:1300

Maril, Koreth and Jerran told there part of the story and Fobok added his. It was a fascinating story, and one that bothered Krysa a great deal. First members of the Yintirego party kidnapped several of the Feynman’s officers. And then Ferengi, kidnapping Fobok. The Ferengi appeared to be working with another group, probably the Manarkians, as they closely resembled the Furjenians.

“Well, this is turning out to be more of a mystery then we thought.” Krysa said.

“Anyone know how the election is going?” asked Maril.

“Last I checked it was a very close race. Too early to tell what’s going to happen.” Krysa told him.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: So does the election end at 1400 or 1600 hours. I’m a tad confused. But don’t worry, I didn’t get that far in this post<G>


USS FEYNMAN: Counting Votes, What a Bore!

by Andrew Nugteren 4-2-1996

SD: 80402.1320
MD: 3.1010
Scene: Furjen Ballot-counting Facility

Ensigns Jade and Krazny, Commissioner Thesa and another 30 junior personnel from the FEYNMAN, followed the well-dressed official down a long corridor and then after a security check, into the main ballot counting office. Several hundred people were gathered both seated and standing around the room and as the counting had yet to get underway, were chatting among themselves. The noise died down as at the far end of the room, a member of the Furjen Judicial Council appeared at the small podium and began to address them all.

"Good morning," he began cordially. "Firstly, a very special welcome to our observers from the Federation's USS Feynman. We're most grateful to have an independent presence monitoring our elections. As you are all aware, polling booths opened at 0800 this morning, and ballots will be flowing in from all over the city over the next 6 hours. If we all work together as a team, we'll get the job done much quicker...."

After giving a further run-down for several minutes, the Judicial Officer stepped down from the podium and released the first set of ballots to be counted. The Feynman personnel began the task of casually walking from aisle to aisle; observing progress in a non-threatening manner. Jade wondered personally what the result of the elections would be. It seemed that the Yinterego Consolidacy had made very rapid gains over the past 24 hours and now looked very likely of gaining an overall majority on the Planetary Assembly, and therefore the power to appoint their own President, Prime Minister and cabinet into power. Such moves didn't brighten the horizon as far as moves for Federation membership went, as it was well known that the Consolidacy were strongly pro-isolationist and would most likely cancel diplomatic talks with Commissioner Thesa.

Thinking of Commissioner Thesa, Jade began to reflect on what they knew. For all intents and purposes, his behaviour on Furjen and in the 24 hours before they had arrived had been most unusual. Nehelik, her most recent host, had been the Federation's Ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance for 10 years, and his accumulated knowledge gave Jade the idea that everything was not as it had seemed.

For a start, the Commissioner's behaviour toward his hosts on Furjen had been most undiplomatic, and he had even refused (not declined) an invitation by the President to be his personal guest. Since arriving, the Commissioner had not enhanced his credibility in Nehelik's eyes, but seemed somehow to be actively opposed to granting Furjen Federation membership. The telling blow had been the Commissioner's apparent foreknowledge of the Yinterego newscast, although how he had known still remained a mystery. In fact, in this whole mess there were far too many questions and not enough answers. The most serious matter at hand was that if the Commissioner was in someway, whether by himself or in a group of others, attempting to swing the elections then they would need to discover his motives. And considering the ballot-counting would be all over in 6 hours, they needed to act fast and gather the necessary evidence to support their claim.

Bumping into a woman, Jade apologies and concentrated back on the task at hand. Noticing Ensign Krazny only a few desks down, she sidled up to him and briefly explained the situation as she saw it.

"Basically I think it boils down to the fact that we have only about six hours to come up with proof of the Commissioner's or anyones involvement in this," Jade summarised her thoughts. "I say we leave and search around Furjen."

"The Captain did order us here to observe," Krazny reminded her. "And I'm sure he had considered the Commissioner's behaviour when he gave the order."

Jade gave Krazny an exasperated look. "I guess that personally, I have the advantage in having served in Starfleet for one lifetime already. That experience has taught me that Starfleet isn't after officers that blindly follow orders, but after those with initiative and ideas who are willing to take the risk."

"I think our situation justifies taking a different approach to our orders," she continued. "Are you in?"

Respectfully submitted Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Phew!! There was no way I was going to stand around observing people count votes for 6 hours in a stuffy room while everyone else has fun. No thank you!!!

The above mainly just summarises Jade's thoughts and provides for an investigation to begin with the goal of basically tracking down the people behind all of our problems. The stopwatch is started... we have but 6 hours!!

Charles: Krazny can follow orders and stay behind, or he can be a rebel and help Jade track down the culprits at the roots of all of this. I leave you the choice :)

Andy: My candle is lit for you <EG>

Jason/Joseph/Max: I guess that since Zane didn't change our orders in the morning, that you guys either hadn't escaped captivity by 3.1000, or that you're still stuck somewhere on Furjen that is still jamming your communicators. I'll leave that to someone else to sort out :) (Aren't I generous!)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Fitting Some Pieces...

by Andrew Catterick 4-3-1996

SD: 80403.1000
MD: 3.2000
Scene: Captain's Ready-room

[So after an unprecedented day of voting the Kming Party has retained its mandate to govern. However,] the newsanchor continued, [for the first time in over 20 years it has failed to achieve 85% of the vote and for the first time in over 50 years it received less than 70%. Ant thoughts on the outcome, Kerhi?] The anchor turned to her companion.

[This is shocking blow to the leaders of the Kming party. Yes it is a win but they have lost a large part of their support and this could prove to hamper them in the near future.]

[Can you be a bit more elaborate?]

[Certainly. They have won the election by carrying 63% of the ridings but they clearly did not receive the majority of votes. In the past Furjen has been a single party dominant democratic system. Other parties ran but the Kming was so large and encompassed the viritual political spectrum, they were the only party to vote for and everyone did so happily.]

[Now, we have two other parties to consider. Kming has slowly been moving towards one end of the political spectrum and as vacuums develop it is inevitable that the fringe parties slowly fill them and moderate there own poicies to appeal to a wider range.]

{I'm just surprised at how much of an impact these two parties had on the overall results. If you look at the numbers in most of the major ridings you can see that the Kming party failed to get the majority of votes but managed to win because the remainders were split between the two rivals. Often they received a 40% and still won. So, yes, they've been elected with a 63% but if you really study the numbers they are running around a 44-47% popular support....]

Zane reached over and turned off the video feed.

"Well this is just an outrage!" Thessa said quietly. Actually he didn't seem all that outraged.

"I'm not sure I follow you Commissioner. I realize, unofficially of course, that it would have been better for the Federation for the Kming Party to have made there usual strong showing but they still won so this shouldn't disrupt the diplomatic discussions too much. And, it is a clear example of the evolution of their democratic sysytem. I should think that only enhances their chances of membership."

"You completly miss the point, again." The commissioner sighed. "The majority of the planet voted against the party that wants Federation memebership. I can not recommend such a membership if the planet is not unified." Thessa seemed quite pleased with himself. Something Zane was coming to see more and more especially after hearing the report from Krazny and Sr'qwon.

"But commissioner they had a planetary-wide referendum 5 weeks ago with a 94% vote in favour of joining the Federation. Even Vulcan didn't vote that high."

Before Thessa could reply they were interrupted by a call from the bridge. "Excuse me captain, commissioner but there is an incoming sub-space message for the commissioner."

Thessa stood, the satisfied look on his face of a few moments previous clearly deflated. "I'll take it in hear" he announced to the comm-system. "This is a private communication commander."

Smiling at the commissioner's rudness Zane left for the bridge.

As soon as Zane was gone Thessa opened the channel. "You guaranteed the Kming would lose the election! Have you seen the numbers? I told you it was impossible and now look at the mess we are in!"

[The election results are regrettable but nothing has changed. If the Kming had lost you were to have indefinetly post-poned the Furjen application. This you must still do.] the voice was calm and controlled.

"Aren't you following along?" Thessa shouted exasperrated. "They won! There is no grounds for postponement. You failed on your end and I am no longer obligated to aid you. I never want to hear from you again. You and your associates don't exist."

[You will help us for as long as we desire it or we will contact the Federation Council and inform them of your misdeeds. Now, the Kming party has done poorly enough that you *can* and *will* move for postponement. There is nothing more to say on this.]

"You're damn right there is! What about this ship? They've been crawling all over this planet and it is obvious there own positions on Furjen's chances at memebership. My voice carries the farthest on this issue. But if a number of Starfleet officers recommend it I may be overrulled."

[You need not worry about the FEYNMAN. Steps have been taken to 'remove' them from the equation.]

Thessa looked horrified. "Your not going to destroy them....."

[Of course not! Do you take us for fools. We have neither the means nor the inclination. Destruction of a Starfleet vessel would bring.....unwanted attention. No, the ship will receive an invitation to visit Manark V while you continue your *private* discussions. When they arrive we will simply show them a good time and when they return to Furjen your decision will have been made.]

"They'll never leave me or the Furjen. They have their orders."

[Yes, I have read them. They are to escort you to the planet and then return you to EPSILON. As for not wanted to leave...they will not refuse the invitation of a planetary governor of a Federation world. You have your orders carry them out.] The screen went blank.

_________________________________ Scene: Bridge.

Thessa emerged from the ready-room in a very dark mood. "Commander Zane I will be beaming down to the planet at 0900 tomorrow morning to continue talks with the government in private. There will be no baby-sitters coming along with me, is that clear?"

Zane nodded grimly. He expected that. "Commissioner we have just received an invitation to visit Manark V which means you will be on your own for at least three days. Let me send an honourary escort along."

"I think I can handle it, commander." Thessa replied dryly. "I am going alone. Who knows, perhaps the election results were a reflection of all your officers running around drunk on the planet."

Zane bristled at the insult but fought down a reply. He could not explode in front of the crew.

"I will be going alone. Good night."

As the doors of the turbolift closed Zane turned to Maril and Jenn. "Would you both join me in my ready-room."

Scene: Ready-room

"...there is something going on down there and the commissioner is ivolved and I don't like it."

"I take it you think this invitation from Manark V is a little strange?" Jenn asked.

"Not on the surface. But with all the other events I do find it quite a convienient coincidence for the Commissioner. Its obvious as to his intention for denying Furjen admittance and with us gone he can do so and not have to worry about our own recommendations. All we can say is based on pre-elections surveys they'd make a fine addition but after his

  • secret* talks.....well our opinions don't matter too much. Why doesn't

he he want them in?"

"Transwarp drive." Maril said quietly. He immediately had both of their attention. "I don't know exactly what is going on but when you look at the pieces of the puzzle which my away team and Ensign Sr'qwon's examination of hte secret warehous provide the soultion seems to be transwarp."


"We are met by escort ships from one of the major industrial giants of this world who later try to attack a seemingly peaceful Ferengi Trading vessel who we later discover is transporting technical components for a ship. My party stumbles upon the Transwarp experiments and are immediately seized by unknown assailants in a privatly owned labs. The owners later give us an unlikely explanation that they thought we were engaging in industrial espionage. Fobok becomes victim to the same fate. Next we find that the Commissioner, who we know already is against memebership, may have connections to a radical party who Ensign's Sr'qwon and Krazny have traced to the company that does not have transwarp. It is muddled but clear."

"So who is to gain by all this? Certainly the Ferengi have positioned themselves to be heavily involved but it isn't really up there ally."

Krysa snapped her fingers. "Manark V! That would explain the invitation out of the blue."

Zane considered this option. "A federation world taking such action? Still they have only been a member for ten years and have been a enemy and industrial rival of Furjen for much longer."

"Exactly." Jenn replied. "If Furjen gains Transwarp it will make them the preminent trader in this region, supplanted Manark V. And it is much more likely they will achieve it with admittance into the Federation. They can receive Federation funding and probably a science ship to test it. But if they are refused admission the process will take much longer and Manark V will retain there position."

"And they may even develop the technolgy before the Furjen." Maril finished.

"You think they are stealing the information and building their own system?" Zane asked.

"It would fit the puzzle and answer many questions."

"Agreed. Still this all seems to hinge on the success of transwarp drive, a technolgy abandoned 100 years ago."

"That doesn't mean it isn't possible."

Zane considered the options for a few moments. "Commander we will depart for Manark V as soon as the commissioner leaves. I want you and Mr. Koreth to upload all information you can get on the Furjen experiments. I need to know how viable it is. Lieutenant I want you to study the trade patterns of this region, especially those involving Furjen, Manark V and the Ferengi Allaince. Perhaps we can gleam more information that way."

Both officers rose to leave for the bridge. Their minds cluttered with half formulated theories and speculation.

"Onta could you have Mr. Jerran report to me?"

Timeframe: 10 minutes later.

"You wanted to see me sir." Jerran said as he entered the room.

"I have a special *mission* for you lieutenant. How long will it take to reach Manark V at warp 4?"

"About Five hours, sir."

"Good about two hours into the flight I want to stage a surprise intruder alert drill." Zane smiled. They hadn't had a surprise drill in quite awhile and it would be completley unexpected. "You will be the intruder and we will be the only two who know that. Do you feel up to it?"

"Of course sir. How do you want me to play it?"

"That's up to you and as I will be trying to capture you as well I don't want to know. Make your prescence known and then evade us for as long as possible. Use any means you can, but of course I don't want any major injuries."

"Yes sir....ah sir why me?"

"Well Commander Maril or Ensign Sq'qwon would be the obvious choice but if they weren't involved in the pursuit the *surprise* would be evident."

"I understand sir. Don't worry I'll make them earn their pay!"

"I'm sure you will, dismissed."

Zane walked over to the replicator. "Coffee, hot, black." Everything seemed to be covered with the exception of the Commissioner. He didn't like leaving him 'alone' on the planet whether there suspicions were true or not. Still the commissioner's orders were clear, no starfleet officers. He sipped his coffee and though about that. Slowly a smile creeped across his face.

"Zane to 10-Forward."

[Bat here. What's up Z?]

"I have a mission for you....interested?"

[I'm on my way!]


Just tying some things together and I took a few liberties to move things along.

Act One was great, on to Act Two.

Max/jason/Kris: Don't worry to much about your assignemnets...just keeping t the story but some infor would be nice.

Joseph/all: Have fun with the 'intruder alert' Just thought it would be a nice diversion/breather before delving back into the political intrigue...just remember the SF guidelines, phasers on stun *only* we don't need anyone dying or any equipment destroyed during a drill

As for Transwarp drive.....if it was a viable technology it would have implication throughout ASR so far now its prabably best to keep it optimistic but not a sure thing. Besides SF has D-warp so doesn't need Transwarp but I imagine it would be a large benefit to the everyday trader...

Its still awhile away but I'm still, as always, taking suggestions for future mission plots to forward to Mike...

respectfully submitted,


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN -LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18 -LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS