USS Feynman JUL 1996

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July 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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by Andrew Catterick 7-1-1996

> MD: 5.1500
> Scene: Captain's Ready Room
> ".... so you see Lieutenant, I want something more authoritative. I'm
> no interior decorator, but I need something that gives me a clearer view
> of everything and that says.... *CAPTAIN*."
> The CEO looks at Zane trying to determine if he's truly serious.
> Starting slowly Tarrant begins speaking, "Well... I guess we can break
> a few rules concerning alteration of ship bridges and do it... but I'll
> have to wait till we get back at Epsilon..."
"Excellent Lieutenant. " Zane paused. "But I don't expect my Chief Engineer to lose some down time on EPSILON because he's fitting in a chair on the bridge. This past mission was particularly hard on all of us..." His mind drifted to the letter he had just finished writing to Ensign Serra's family. It was bad enough having to tell someone their son, their brother, their grandchild was dead. But to have it happen barely a week out of the Academy. "...including you. The number of hours you spent in the lab trying to figure out how to save the Ring after we cut in to it would have 'fried' most people's brains, not to mention your boarding of the Panarik vessel. So make sure you get some R&R while we're in dock. That's an order." "Aye sir." Koreth didn't seem all that convinced.

Scene: Sickbay

"Why isn't Lieutenant Krazny back on duty?" Zane asked, a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"I am unable to determine that." The Vulcan seemed perturbed and Zane wondered ideally if that perturbed her even more.

"I thought this was just a simple concussion? A few hours sleep and he'd be as good as new. That was 48 hours ago."

"I am at a loss. Every test confirms this diagnosis but he does not seem to progress from where he is now. It is as if he is in some form of stasis."

"Has Dr. Glin'Kharr been able to provide any insight?"

"I have confined the Doctor to his quarter's until he has recuperated to my satisfaction."

"I wish I could have heard that discussion."

"The Doctor did seem somewhat....discontent with my decision. However I did consult with him before he left for his quarter's. He had no insights into the Counselor's condition."

"Recommendation?" Zane asked.

"If there is no improvement in the next 24 hours I suggest we transfer him to EPSILON medical. They are better equipped to handle this."

Zane frowned not liking the options he was faced with. Having to transfer an officer as important as Krazny off ship was definatly something he wanted to avoid. He had confidence that EPSILON medical would revive the lieutenant but if it was after FEYNMAN had shipped out on a new mission it was very possible that Krazny might be permanently transferred to another ship. And transferring a comatose officer back to EPSILON raised uncomfortable memories of Captain West. On the other hand having an unconscious officer in sickbay would help no one.

"Very well, keep me informed."

Scene: Security Office

Lieutenant Sr'qwon stared down at his console with great excitement. With the communications blackout lifted his mailbox had quickly filled up with the correspondence that had been stored at Memory EPSILON for the past week. Half way down the list was the communication he had hoped would arrive but had been certain would not.

Opening the file he quickly scanned it, his excitement growing.

"Sr'qwon to Captain Zane."

[Zane here. What can I do for you lieutenant?]

"Could I have a few minutes sir?"

{I'm in 10-Forward, Zane out.]

Scene: 10-Forward

Zane sat at the table his hands clasped in front of him as he considered when the tables had turned. A few hours ago things couldn't have hardly been better. They'd found the cure to the 'incurable' plague, they saved 70 billion sentient lifeforms, and then they'd survived Cardassian treachory. But then he'd found out about Krazny. Trying to keep his spirits light he had gone to 10-Forward to revel in the high morale of his crew. As an added bonus Bat was off-duty, his assistant telling Zane that the old bar-tender was currently harassing the second officer in the renovations of her office. At least it would keep her occupied. But now Sr'qwon had dropped a bombshell of her own.

" you see captain, as much as I love the FEYNMAN, being accepted into special forces training is not something I can pass up."

He nodded feeling somewhat deflated. When he handed the Admiral his staffing report Nicholas would surely hit the roof. There were already jokes floating around the fleet about the FEYNMAN's inability to retain its officers, especially when it came to CSciOs. And now to make it worse a new science officer had apparently been transferred to the ship but had since disappeared. Zane made a mental note not to visit the Officer's Club while he was in port.

"I don't know what to say Lieutenant except congratulations you'll be missed."


Just tying up some staffing threads and laying the ground work for others that may need it.

We'll arrive back at EPSILON on MD:6.1200 Anyone feel free to take us in. Look to being in a week or so.

> As for that crack about the SOLAR class looking like it backed
> into something... I haven't forgotten that.

Oh SERAPIS is a SOLAR...I, uh, forgot. Well at least your not the pilot who couldn't parallel park.<EG>


-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Homecoming, Finally

by Joseph Baker 7-2-1996

SD: 80702.0414 (GMT)
MD: 6.1200

"Starbase EPSILON control acknowledges our docking request and directs us to follow the beacon to our assigned bay," LT Jenn said from her console at OPS.

Jerran looked over to take a quick glance at her. She was taking this whole situation rather well on the outside, but that was his Vulcan side that was making that observation. His Bajoran side, that side which wept for the death of his own beloved, that side that was suppressed when he was among others, knew that the second officer was hurting. That side of him that he had accidently unleashed upon LT Jenn during the accident on the NOGURA during his first mission, it knew how she felt, and it almost hurt him just as much as it hurt her. But, his Vulcan half wasn't going to let him show it now anymore than he had shown the pain then. In fact, he had doubled his mental blocks so that not only Jenn but the other telepaths and empaths on board would not be able to hear his Bajoran heart's cry.

From behind, Jerran could hear CMDR Maril say, "Take us in, Mr. Jerran, maneuvering thrusters at full."

"Aye, sir," the pilot responded, turning his thoughts away from the person sitting next to him. When it came to most species that did not normally possess telepathic abilities, such as humans, Klingons, and especially Ferengi, he had to rely on touch to convey the telepathic signals. But, when it came to more powerful telepathic species, such as Betazoids and other Vulcans, and even humans who had telepathic abilities, he had to make a concerted effort to keep out their naturally telepathic emissions. Sometimes it was hard, especially when the emotions were being sent out with the intensity that he felt from LT Jenn. But, it reminded Jerran of the reasons why he had not followed his mother's unemotional heritage. Had he gone through the emotional disciplines, then he would have no common frame of reference to understand many of the myriad of emotions that he felt from the different creatures he had encountered so far in his short career.

Starbase EPSILON loomed on the viewscren, its huge space doors taking up a majority of the upper part of the station as the FEYNMAN moved in closer. After a moment, Jerran had pushed the ship past the doors and was moving her towards her assigned berth. Workbees flitted here and there on the viewscreen in front of them, moving to get out of the way as the small ship flew past. Some of them wiggled a bit in small rolls of greeting as they buzzed past the FEYNMAN's bow. Jerran smiled slightly and gave a slight wiggle of his own when he noticed that Maril wasn't paying attention to the viewscreen. He looked over at Jenn and saw by the stiffled chuckle behind her lips that she had noticed, and he smiled back to her, both understanding the other much more than they would either ever admit.

Jerran pulled the destroyer into a modern version of a parallel parking maneuver as she slipped into her parking berth. He then shut off the main thrusters and activated the station keeping thrusters.

"Thrusters at station keeping, sir," he announced.

"Very good. LT Jenn, activate the moorings, and sound the docking signal."

"Aye, sir," she said as she typed the commands into her console. "Moorings are activated and secure."

"Deactivate thrusters, Mr. Jerran. Bridge to Engineering, cut the drives and secure all drive exhausts. Bridge to Captain, we're now docked, sir."

Commander Zane walked out of his ready room and looked at the viewscreen as an ENDEAVOUR class starship slipped into a nearby berth. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're home...."

<NRPG> Yeah, I know. Melodramatic. But hey, you gotta do that sort of post once in a while ;) I can't always have Jerran saving the day :)

*       *           *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Dr. Alexa Denora, Sci Admin, Kachaira III Colony, alt.starfleet.rpg      *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                          *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                              *
* University of South Florida                                              *