New Player Information Center

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New Player Information Center

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This page contains a few helpful resources for people new to ASR, or those who are contemplating joining us. Just click the links below to access the respective document.

The following documents are presented here. The full library of documents can be referenced from the Star Fleet Library Page.


STAR FLEET: Prime (Stardate: 2422)

The links reference sections of the Player's Manual.

STAR FLEET: ORIGINS (Stardate: 2261)

The links above apply specifically to the ORIGINS timeframe, which is now on permanent hiatus.

STAR FLEET: BEYOND (Stardate: 2771)

The links above apply specifically to the BEYOND timeframe, which is now on permanent hiatus.

If you command a non-ASR unit or fleet and are interested in merging with ASR, please read Unit and Fleet Merger Information.

If you have any questions during the process, feel free to contact us.