Serenity Mission 1 Timeline

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Current Mission Timeline: Mission 1- "The Signal"
Version 2.0 (Updated SD 350625)

When a group of writers post, it can become difficult to keep track of the posts once a few start coming in; this is compounded by the fact that not every post is written in strict chronological order- we use flashbacks, flash forwards, and other tools when creating our stories. Having an updated mission timeline becomes an indispensable tool in keeping track of what is happening when during a mission.

  • NOTE: This timeline only recounts the events leading up to the mission's culmination at this time. Reconstructing the entire timeline is happening as we speak.

Mission Timeline: "The Signal"

*NOTE: timeline is listed from the most recent post at the top (according to mission date) to 
the earliest.

**NOTE: the timeline was reset to MD 1 midway through the mission, in the post "New Days."
MD 1 post-reset = MD 42 pre-reset.

11              53
6               48
1               42
-1              41
-2              40
-3              39
-4              38 etc.

All posts in this timeline have been recalculated based on post-reset MD

MD           AUTHOR(S)   TITLE OF POST               POST SUMMARY
11.0246      Lusby        "...Regardless of          RADM Veld drowns her sorrows over the loss     
                          Consequences, Part I"      of BRIG Sharpe.

7.1000       Thigpen      "Survivor's Guilt and      TAIYANG SHEN and FIREBALL return home after 
                          Returning Home"            rescuing BELFAST's survivors.

6.2000       Shea         "Sabine Off Duty"          LT Sabine Finch, off duty, visits a comedy 
                                                     club on the Starbase, “Shirley Your Kidding’, 
                                                     and sits with a civilian companion as the 
                                                     first performer on an open mic night tries 
                                                     to do a little stand-up comedy.

6.1924       Lusby        "The Tide Shifts"          MD 6.1924: Hargrave’s small fleet confronts 
                                                     VIGILANT at the moon, and all hell breaks 

6.1922       Lusby        "...Regardless of          The operation to free the enslaved native 
                          Consequences, Part II"     sentients begins well…but BRIG Sharpe soon 
                                                     finds herself in a quickly deteriorating 

6.1908       Lusby        "The Tide Shifts"          Commander Storme and VIGILANT depart DS451 
                                                     and take position in orbit around the moon, 
                                                     in support of BRIG Sharpe’s rescue efforts.

6.1830       Forsyth/     "Upgrades"                 CDR Dar, LCDR Tabriz, and MCPO Ness prepare   
             Andrew F.                               departure in an improved SEVRET'LOR.

6.1737       Lusby        "...Regardless of          RADM Veld orders BRIG Sharpe to liberate 
                          Consequences, Part I"      the enslaved sentient natives on the Moon
                                                     DS451 orbits.

6.1300       Andrew F.    "Puny, Underpowered, and   CDR Dar and LCDR Tabriz make an extremely 
                          Borderline Useless"        disturbing discovery.

6.1100       Lusby        "The Tide Shifts"          Walton Hargrave decides it is time to take 
                                                     matters at the Moon into his own hands to 
                                                     protect Distant Horizons assets- and advance 
                                                     his own position in the process.

6.1100       Murphy, S.   "Bad Apples"               VADM Starling has an unpleasant conversation
                                                     with The syndicate; desperate, he begs
                                                     Walton Hargrave for help. 

6.0530       Shea         "To Serve Ashani"          On DS451, aka SB Serenity, in her quarters, 
  (48.0530)                                          LT Finch wakes up early and in a sweat after 
                                                     having a weird dream about being out of 
                                                     Starfleet, working for privateers in an 
                                                     abattoir that specializes in processing Ashani 
                                                     for safe and delicious consumption.
5.1600       Thigpen      "Survivor's Guilt and      LTJG Booker works deep within the bowels of   
                          Returning Home"            the TAIYANG SHEN.     

4.xxxx       McNeely      "Going Home"               The loss of BELFAST hits CDR Bradley hard, 
                                                     and she vows to make the Ashani pay.
(NOTE- this post was simply dated "MD 4"; it is placed here based on conjecture. -SL)

4.1600       Thigpen      "Rescuing the Survivors"   TAIYANG SHEN rescues the survivors of the 
                                                     Ashanti attack on the USS BELFAST and, 
                                                     after scuttling the remains of the BELFAST, 
                                                     starts the trip back to SB SERENITY.

4.1000       McNeely      "Leave No One Behind"      TAIYANG SHEN arrives at the wreck of the 

4.0730       S. de Lis/   "Finding the Needle..."    The TAIYANG SHEN and FIREBALL locate the BELFAST 
             Thigpen                                 very damaged and in decaying orbit of a gas giant.

4.0400       Andrew F.    "Right Under Our Noses"    LCDR Tabriz locks on to a cloaked Ashani ship,
                                                     and sets about following it.

3.2200       McNeely      "Don't Stand in My Way"    CDR Bradley gets a phone call from her grandfather,
  (45.2200)                                          warning her about VADM Starling's threats.
(*NOTE- this post has Bradley on-station, but by MD 3, she had already departed the station on TAIYANG SHEN.
Easiest fix is just to change the post's setting to TAIYANG SHEN.- SL.)

3.0700       McNeely/     "Arriving On Scene"        TAIYANG SHEN rendezvouses with FIREBALL, and gets
             Thigpen                                 ready to confront the Ashani hiding the BELFAST.

2.1645       S. de Lis    "Writing Back Home"        CDR Dohan sends a message to his daughter and then 
                                                     proceeds to prepare Sickbay.

2.0645       McNeely/     "And They're Off"          TAIYANG SHEN departs DS451 for the VL-82 system.
             Murphy, S.

2.0620       Murphy, S.   "Snakes and Voles"         OSFI Agent Cehvalier recruits BRIG Sharpe to help
                                                     her uncover evidence, as Sharpe is on Medical
                                                     Leave anyway.

2.0610       Murphy, S.   "Recon"                    LCDR April joins the FIREBALL team as they depart
                                                     for VL-82.

2.0550       Barreiro/    "New FCO Settles In"       ENS Tatock assists more crew get settled on DS451.
  (40.0550)  Murphy, S.

2.0535       Murphy, S.   "Snakes and Voles"         OSFI Agent Chevalier hunts for evidence pointing to
                                                     the assumed source of the black market dealings
                                                     on station.

2.0527       S. de Lis    "The Doctor is OUT"        CDR Dohan checks up on BRIG Sharpe's condition in
                                                     Sick Bay; Dohan receives a call from CDR Bradley,
                                                     informing her of their 0645 departure time.
(*NOTE- the post MD is actually 0727, with an 0800 hour departure time.  However, later posts all place
TAIYNAG SHEN's departure at 0645, so the MD of this post has been adjusted, as FIREBALL's departure time
was closer to 0645 than to 0800. -SL)

2.0314       Murphy, S./  "Changes, Or Lack          BRIG Sharpe is checked out in Sick Bay by CDR Dohan
             Murphy, R./  Thereof"                   and placed on medical leave due to her wounds; 
             S. de Lis                               Ambassador Shea visits Sharpe and chastises her.

1.1945       Murphy, R.   "Revealing Phone Calls"    Ambassador Shea receives a comm from VADM Starling
                                                     Councilwoman Ka'Vannie inquiring as to the
                                                     whereabouts of LEVIATHAN;" Shea decides that
                                                     she needs to break BRIG Sharpe out of Sick Bay.
(*NOTE- this MD is conjecture, as none was given in the post.  Based on the fact that it happened after 
Molly was placed on restricted duty. -SL)

1.1600       McNeely/     "Arriving On Scene"        LTJG Booker and CDR Bradley find the BELFAST, along
             Thigpen                                 another ship...

1.1145       S. de Lis    "The Doctor is OUT"        RADM Veld assigns CDR Dohan to TAIYANG SHEN for the
                                                     BELFAST rescue mission.

1.1137       Murphy, S./  "Comings and Goings"        CDR Dohan arrives on station and meets with RADM Veld.
 (42.1137)   S. de Lis

1.1130       Thigpen      "First Impressions"        LTJG Booker jumps right in to helping TAIYANG SHEN
                                                     "see" a little better...

1.1130       McNeely/     "And They're Off"          RADM Veld orders CDR Bradley to take TAIYANG SHEN,
             Murphy, S.                              with FIREBALL as her escort, to VL-82 to find and
                                                     assist BELFAST.

1.1130       Murphy, S.   "New Days"                 RADM Veld holds a staff briefing on loss of contact
                                                     with BELFAST, and sends TAIYANG SHEN and FIREBALL
                                                     to VL-82 to investigate; announces Gorn Ambassador
                                                     Saresh's impending arrival; introduces CDR Dohan to
                                                     the staff.
(*NOTE- this is the post that resets the MD- MD 1 coincides with the briefing that changes the mission focus
to finding/rescuing BELFAST. -SL)

1.1000       McNeely/     "And They're Off"          CDR Bradley says goodbye to the eye candy with whom
             Murphy, S.                              she had spent the previous night.

1.0930       Thigpen      "First Impressions"        LTJG Booker reports in to CDR Bennett.

1.0900       Thigpen      "A Familiar Face Returns"  LTJG Booker arrives at DS451.

-1.2247      S. de Lis    "Back to Work"             After dining with RADM Veld, CDR Doohan returns to 
                                                     service as CMO of DS451.

-1.1030      McNeely/     "Something Rotten on       Engineering Officer LT Finch is called to troubleshoot 
  (41.1030)  Shea         DS451, Part 2"             a problem with one of the restrooms outside the office 
                                                     of the Operations Chief Commander Danielle Bradley, 
                                                     fixes the problem, and afterward meets the Commander 
                                                     and her aide for the first time.

-1.0930      McNeely/     "Something Rotten on       Introduction of LT Finch; CDR Bradley meets with Walton
  (41.0930)  Shea         DS451, Part 1"             Hargrave; a waste situation manifests shortly after
                                                     Hargrave departs Bradley's office.

-1.0420      Shea         "Getting the Order In      Civilian Kieron Carpenter has been working in a civilian 
  (41.0420)               Before They Close the      capacity on SB Serenity for almost two months. For about
                          Kitchen"                   a month, he’s been friends with an engineering LT who 
                                                     mainly works on maintaining and repairing the plumbing 
                                                     on Serenity. 

-1.0314      Shea         "Thinking, Talking,        LT Finch attends the unorthodox staff briefing at the
  (41.0314)               Listening and Drinking"    Laughing Vulcan.

-1.0314      Barreiro/    "New FCO Settles In"       ENS Qangoz meets with all the Command Staff at the
  (41.0314)  Murphy S.                               Laughing Vulcan.

-1.0314      Murphy, S.   "Unusual Debriefing"       RADM Veld holds a debriefing at one of DS451's pubs,
  (41.0314)                                          the Laughing Vulcan.

-4.0916      Forsyth      "Tea Time, Part 2"         LCDR Tabriz and CDR Dar work on decryption of Ashani 

-4.xxxx      Thigpen      "The Numbers Don't Lie"    The BELFAST is attacked by the Ashani and newly 
                                                     promoted CAPT Wilkens comes to realize that ADM
                                                     Starling wanted him dead; Wilkens initiates a 
                                                     transfer and copy of all his personal data to an 
                                                     unknown crewmember on the BELFAST in an attempt to 
                                                     preserve his investigation into a potential corrupt 
                                                     Federation Flag officer.
(* NOTE: the placement of this post is based on Kevin's MD of "Several days prior to the TAIYANG SHEN and 
FIREBALL arriving in VL-82"- they rendezvoused on MD 3, so I arbitrarily placed this 7 days earlier. -SL)

-4.xxxx      Thigpen      "Shots Fired"              The attack on the BELFAST, from an Engineering 
(*NOTE: the MD from the post is stated at "9 days earlier"; however, this sounds like it happend just
before "The Numbers Don't Lie," so I placed it on a similar MD. -SL)

-4.xxxx      Murphy, S.   "Meanwhile"                BELFAST arrives in system VL-82 and finds malfunctioning
                                                     comm satellite; Ashani forces detect BELFAST's arrival, 
                                                     and pounce.
(*NOTE- MD is "9 days earlier," so placement is conjecture. -SL)

??.xxxx      McNeely      "Small Victories"          CDR Bradley celebrates breaking their Ashani guests during
(*NOTE- no MD noted for this post; hopefully earlier posts will allow me to infer an MD. -SL)

-6.1023      Barreiro/.   "New FCO Settles In"       ENS Tatock assists the out-of-control SS MONCTEZUMA safely
  (36.1023)  Murphy, S.                              into dock.

-6.0800      Shea         "The Most Beautiful        OSFI Data Analyst Azshah Kon begins to see a pattern
  (36.0800)               Place"                     emerging with Distant Horizon Board Members and dying.
(*NOTE: The MD on this post simply says "today"; I arbitrarily placed it at MD -6 because it was posted with a group of posts tagged with this MD.  Seemed reasonable. -SL)

-6.0630      Barreiro     "New Arrivals"             ENS Tatock gets up for his first shift as FCO on
  (36.0630)                                          DS451.

-6.0115      Barreiro     "New Arrivals"             ENS Tatock arrives on DS451, and learns about some of 
  (36.0115)                                          "wildlife" on the moon around which the station orbits.

-6.0053      Barreiro     "New Arrivals"             ENS Qangoz travels to SB SERENITY to report for 
  (36.0053)                                          duty.

-8.0755      Murphy, S.   "Moving On Home"           LCDR Raine oversees the repairs of Tri-Quadrant
  (.34.0755)                                         Mining Outpost 56 after LEVIATHAN leaves with its

-9.0958      Murphy, S.   "Status"                   LCDR Raine oversees the support actions of FIREBALL,
  (33.0958)                                          TAIYENG SHEN, and the Marine fighters around Outpost

-9.0946      Murphy, S.   "Final Moments"            USS FIREBALL, along with TAIYENG SHEN, cleans up 
  (33.0946)                                          remaining Ashani assets around Outpost 56.

-9.0941      McNeely      "To the Victor..."         USS TAIYENG SHEN contributes to the cause.

-9.0941      Murphy, S.   "Belly Guns and Brass      FIREBALL wades into the thick of the battle.
  (33.0941)               Knuckles"

-9.0939      McNeely      "No Mercy"                 TAIYENG SHEN and FIREBALL engage the Ashani around
   (33.0939)                                         Outpost 56.

-9.0939      Murphy, S.   "The Fight Is On"          The battle for control of Outpost 56 begins.

-9.0939      McNeely      "Light 'em Up"             TAIYENG SHEN gets orders from LCDR Raine.

-9.0939      Murphy, S.   "Old School"               LCDR April helps execute Bradley's order to 
  (33.0939)                                          "flush out" the Ashani, and is successful.

-9.0939)     McNeely      "Flush Them Out"           CDR Bradley uses an old huntig dog trick on the
  (33.0939)                                          Ashani at Outpost 56.
(*NOTE- no MD on this post, but seems to logically fit at the battle's onset. -SL)

-9.0930      Murphy, S.   "Party Crashers"           The FIREBALL crew mull their options as they
  (33.0930)                                          Tri-Quadrant Mining Outpost 56.

-9.0930      Murphy, S.   "All About Class"          Ashani Commander Jhor'vab watches and identifies
  (33.0930)                                          Starfleet assets as they enter the Markkallan 

-9.0910      Murphy, S.   "Tri-Quadrant Mining       DS451's little flotilla finds some Ashani creeping
  (33.0910)               Outpost 56 Markkallan      around the Federation mining outpost in the
                          System"                    Markkallan system.

-12.1104     Forsyth      "Tea Time, Part 2"         LCDR Tabriz wonders about signals of sentience 
  (30.1104)                                          from SERENITY moon sightings.

-12.0540     Murphy, S.   "First Impressions"        CSM Harper makes his arrival at DS451.

-13.1520     Murphy, S./  "New Neighbors"            AMB Shea finds BRIG Sharpe in Sick Bay...again.
  (29.1520)  Murphy, R.

-13.1511     Murphy, R.   "Verbal Fencing"           AMB Shea spars with Councilwoman Ka'Vannie.

-13.0730     Murphy, S.   "Creative Writing"         LCDR Storme has some help in "reassigning" some
  (29.0730)                                          old fighter shuttles for their purposes.

-13.0100     McNeely      "More Monsters"            CDR Bradley spends her evening listening to the
  (29.0100)                                          confessions of the captured Ashani, and recognized
                                                     there will always be a need for people like her.

-14.0628     Murphy, S.   "NOW Guess Who's Coming    Senior Ashani officers contemplate their next moves;
  (28.0629)               To Dinner"                 decide to make a visit to Outpost 56.

-14.0210     Murphy, S.   "Logs"                     LCDR Storme records her musings on things before
  (28.0210)                                          forcing herself to sleep.

-15.2215     Murphy, S.   "Complications"            OSFI Agent Chevalier, on Outpost 56, reviews the
  (27.2215)                                          information she has uncovered about the Ashani so

-15.2210     McNeely      "You Don't Scare Me"       CDR Bradley has fun continuing to troll Ashani
  (27.2210)                                          prisoners by pretending to feed them their own 

-15.2205     McNeely      "A Meal to Remember"       CDR suggests during her interrogation of Ashani
  (27.2205)                                          prisoners that they are being fed other Ashani.

-15.2200     Hagggis/     "It's All Meat on the      Ashani prisoners are led into the dining area
  (27.2200)  Shea         Same Bone"                 for a massive meal, much to their confusion.

-15.2200     Shea         "A Dull Blade at Dinner"   A somewhat green Ashani officer enjoys their
  (27.2200)                                          somewhat dubious meal.

-15.2200     McNeely      "On Tonight's Menu"        CDR Bradley prepares herself mentally for the
  (27.2200)                                          "show" she is abvout to put on for the Ashani
                                                     in hopes of finally breaking them and getting 
                                                     them to talk.

-15.0305     Murphy, S.   "Devil's Advocate"         Walton Hargrave receives a midnight comm call
  (27.0305)                                          from ADM Starling, and they discuss their
                                                     ever-more complicated situation.

-20.1912     Andrew F./   "Tea Time, Part I"         CDR Dar and LCDR Tabriz continue to hunt
  (22.1912)  Forsyth                                 down unusual signals.

-42.0817     Murphy, S./  "Comings and Goings"       RADM Veld "coerces" CDR Dohan out of retirement to join
  (1.0817)   S. de Lis                               DS451 as CMO.

-231.xxxx    Shea         "Life Comes At You Fast"   Carpenter is questioned by police about the shooting.
(*NOTE- MD noted as "8 months ago" in post; 231 days is about 33 weeks, or around 8 months. -SL)

-231.xxxx    Shea         "See the Sky About to      In Dodge City on Kansashun, Kieron Carpenter returns 
                          Rain"                      home from a double shift at work, to find a police 
                                                     presence outside the apartment building he lives in, 
                                                     and witnessed a shooting on stun.
(*NOTE- MD noted as "8 months ago" in post; 231 days is about 33 weeks, or around 8 months. -SL)

-336.xxxx    Shea         "Life Comes At You Fast"   Kieron Carpenter continues to investigate his father's
(*NOTE- MD noted as "11 months ago" in post; 336 days is about 48 weeks, or around 11 months. -SL)

-336.xxxx    Shea         "Kansashun- 11-12 Months   Kieron Carpenter goes for a drink at The Dew Drop 
                          Ago"                       Inn.
(*NOTE- MD posted as "11 months ago; seemed like it took place before "Life Comes At You Fast." -SL)

-365.xxxx    Shea         "Kansashun- 11-12 Months   Kieron Carpenter comes to terms with not finding his
                          Ago"                       father, and moves in with his girlfriend.
(*NOTE- MD posted as "12 months ago." -SL)

-639.xxxx    Shea         "Electricity"              Kieron Carpenter arrives on Kansashun and makes a 
                                                     new friend.
(*NOTE- MD posted as "21 months ago." -SL)

-645.xxxx    Shea         "In For a Surprise"        Kieron Carpenter remains on the trail of his father's
                                                     last known whereabouts, this time taking him to
(*NOTE- MD posted as "2 years ago," but it seems to happen just before Kiron's arrival on Kansushun, so I
shifted the MD forward as a result since it was estblished that it takes 3 months to get to Kansashun. -SL)
-737.xxxx    Shea         "Do Not Let One Thing      Kieron Carpenter begins his 3-month journey to
                          Define You"                Kansushun, a friend's advice fresh in his mind.
(*NOTE- MD posted as "2 years ago." -SL)

-745.xxxx    Shea         "Last Known Location"      Kieron Carpenter gets hold of information that puts
                                                     his father's last known location at Kansushun Colony.
(*NOTE- MD posted as "2 years ago +/-," so date is a little bit of conjecture here. -SL)

- 6300.xxxx  Shea         "Own Worst Enemy"          Jack Carpenter keeps tabs on an unknown person.
(*NOTE- MD says "17 years ago."  I did some math. -SL)