Tien Ji

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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Tien Ji

  • Colony Name: Tien Ji
  • Creator: David Kiel (Arclight)


  • System/Location: Tien Ji
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: A Federation supply station and marine base orbits the world. Otherwise it is 6 days at warp six to SB DELTA.
  • Planet Classification: M-Class
  • Satellites/Space Stations: No moons, many orbiting platforms and stations.
  • Land/Water Ratio: 12/88
  • Climate Controlled: Yes
  • Native Sentient Life: No


  • Colony Age (approximate): 250 years.
  • Population (approximate): 3.2 billion.
  • Species Present: Human, about 100,000 Ferengi live on Tien. 2% of the population is a random mixture of Federation races.
  • Colony Status: UPF Protectorate, formerly independent
  • Government: Practical anarchy. A Federation governor is attempting to return the world to a centralized government but private commercial concerns are resisting those efforts.
  • Major Cities/Settlements: The land forms of Tien Ji are almost uniformly covered by a mixture of industrial districts and city structures. The only agriculture present is restricted to floating archologies. Most farming is done on the seafloor.


Tien Ji was settled by refugees from a dangerously overpopulated 22nd century China. 70 years of immigration provided the world with a population base that has come to rival that China for population density.

Cybernetics and cybernetic augmentation are an inborn part of Tienan society. Children receive neural implants at age 10 and both practical and cosmetic implantation/replacement is commonplace. A violent society emerged, the result of unrestricted capitalism. Corporations became governmental entities, capable of creating and enforcing their own laws.

Life was not respected, corporate strike teams were commonplace. The unemployed were without basic rights. Personal weaponry was unrestricted and often grafted or concealed onto/within the body itself.

Without any restrictions to the corporations greed the world was almost destroyed. The biosphere was poisoned with contaminants and sporadic conflict between corporations left structures gutted. When, in 2359 a large portion of the ocean caught fire, threatening to cloud the planet in smoke the Federation was called in to take over.

They instituted a form of government, pollution controls, a corporate tax base to pay for reclamation efforts and a corporate code of conduct to restrict aggression. Personal weaponry was restricted and implanted weaponry was outlawed.

Tien Ji today is a balance between Federation administrators and the economic giants that almost destroyed it. It's industrial and economic base is impressive and the pollution is being reversed by herculean efforts by Federation engineers. The oceans are now viable for life and are in places suitable for staple protein farms.

It is still a violent world and it's capitalistic structure still leads to great inequality in lifestyle. Cybernetics are still commonplace, only weaponry has been restricted. Emigration has begun to become a problem as Tienans have realized that life outside their world is far better. To avoid a flood of Refugees the Federation has been forced to restrict emigration to manageable levels.


Nearly unrestrained capitalism almost destroyed this world. The latinum based economy of today is overseen by a team of Federation Social Economists and restricted against destructive actions.

Tien Ji has become a mini haven for Ferengi entrepreneurs who have migrated to the world to open shops. Ferengi businessmen are commonplace but there a no large Ferengi corporations present on Tien Ji.

Tech Level

Post-Modern, cybernetic biotechnology is a class to itself on Tien Ji. Industrial methods are state of the art, and if the society was less anarchistic and violent the Federation would build orbital shipyards here. Agricultural methods and tools are advanced by necessity as the only growing area is the seafloor and a constant struggle is fought against ancient sources of industrial pollution.


Tien Ji culture is currently in a state of flux. Ancient chinese traditions cling to life in a mix of modern struggles. The entertainment industry is the worlds replacement for philosophical and religious pursuits. The current generation of young Tienans is rejecting the capitalistic history of there world in favor of a more earthlike federation existence. The older generations still cling to the corporate class structure of the world.

Only five Tienens in the hundred years prior to 2405, graduated the academy and served in Starfleet. There have been 24 since. The Federation is trying to address the emigration problem by making Tien Ji a nicer place to live and their may be hope for the world yet.


Tien Ji uses traditional Chinese naming conventions, the surname first followed by the given name and then a optional generational qualifier. The qualifier would be identical for all members of that generation within the same family. Having three or four names is commonplace and for an outsider to reliable determine which one is the given name, almost impossible.