RT0110- PRT-10-01-2

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
Subject: ASR RT: Proposal RT-10-01-2 Modification to ASR Rules and

The following is the text of the proposal under discussion.

Chris Mayberry
RT Secretary

Modification to RT rules procedures document.

Original document by A. Rosina Bignall, Andrea Schalk

Modification proposal by Chris Mayberry

Purpose: To swap items located in the current Rules of Order,
specifically 5.A.3 "Selection or Removal of Officers" with
5.A.4 "Reports of Officers".

Discussion: The current accepted practice of RT has been to
allow the current sitting officers the ability to report
before selection and/or removal of others.  This proposal 
aims to keep the RT Rules and Procedures document current
with accepted and beneficiary practices.