Category:Task Force Sierra

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

Task Force Sierra is an intelligence operations unit in Gold Fleet of the ASR universe. Players write for characters that put their lives on the line running all sorts of operations- deep cover, infiltration, surveillance, counter Intel, etc.- against some of the Federation's deadliest enemies.

Task Force Sierra, or 'TFS' as it is known, began operations on Stardate 160209 under the command of CDR Richard Trewidden. Currently, TFS is commanded by LCOL Charles Howden.

For more information about TFS, drop a line to Mark Mosher, who plays LCOL Howden, or Reg McKamie, who plays LT John Prince. For more infomration about other RP opportunities in Gold Fleet, drop a line to Scott Lusby, who plays Admiral Conrad Veld,the Commander in Chief of Gold Fleet.

Pages in category "Task Force Sierra"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.