ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Discovery in the Shuttlebay

by David Kiel

SD 2161.088

scene: Engineering, TSS Hood

The ship was a coiled and tense little monster.

Security had brought everything to a head, the repairs that were needed were significant. They had a useless nacelle clinging together by burnt out power conduits and would most likely have to figure out how to jury rig a warp field with just one. Technical teams were working overtime scurrying to all corners of the ship, and security teams were too busy eyeing each other to keep watch over anyone else.

Cedria had finished hew work with the shield matrixes. She could now short out or overload the entire system from any console on the ship. Her work would be discovered by the next level 3 or higher maintenance sweep but since those were done in dock she wasn't terribly worried.

All she had to do was find a way out. Her ideal plan was to have Hood die against the Constellation but that opportunity didn't materialize. Still one capitol ship's death was one closer to victory, and if she had to skulk about this universe until she could remake the Tholian device she could do that.

But she did not intend to wait around shipboard when the shields suddenly and conduit-shatteringly went all sparkly on the sadistic Captain Blackweasel. She was rewiring the pilots console on one of the reserve shuttles, bypassing things like remote shutdown and security protocols. She would steal the shuttle and hopefully be at warp before the other Hood had time to pound the Sovereignty's second biggest ship into the afterlife.

She extricated herself and looked over the controls, powering up the display to check her work. A few taps and a cycle of the command parameters and she was—c-click—

Cedria's eyes narrowed and she got very still as the phaser at the back of her head whined to life.

"And what might you be up to?" She recognized the voice. The engineer, named after a terran fish. Pike, was it? Salmon?

The voice of the XO sounded from the shuttle entrance in a sharp but hushed whisper. "Find her, Gar?"

"Yeah, she's been tampering with the shuttle controls."

She heard the sound of a communicator from the XO. "We found Zade, Captain. I mean Quall."

She moved suddenly, lithe body twisting, the base of her hand hitting the butt of the phaser making it clatter to the deck. One of her knives flipping to her other palm, her blade lashing at fish-man's throat,-- and stopping just short of his skin. The metallic purple sheen of the poison on her blade reflecting the shuttles overhead lights in an oily rainbow of colors.

She looked up at Lieutenant Gar and over at the XO who was now pointing a weapon at her from the hatchway. "What did you mean, Zade?"

NRPG: Tag for either Brian or Scott, whoever gets to it first; or technically Andrew if he wants to play a voice on a communicator. Marching me through the ship to see the Captain might blow my cover after all. Then Cedria will have to fight her way back to the shuttlebay and kill everyone in her path. That would take me a couple posts, way too much work.

Respectfully submitted;

David Kiel

Lt Cedria Zade,



USS HOOD: Dark Diversion...

by David Martens

SD: 2161.089

Scene: TSS HOOD, Science department

  • How stupid and ignorant* Hemux thought as she leaned back in her chair looking

at a console showing one of her spycams. ARr'Rhiana sighed as she sat up straight and reached out with her hand to grab a handful of bugs from a jar and stuff them in her mouth, chewing on one of her favourite snacks.

She checked her chronometer and smiled, by this time everything should be about ready, at least she hoped that Captain, not so black, Jack Steel had his goonies drilled as good as her Captain Blackjack had his. By now things should be ready.

She looked one last time to the viewscreen where Zade was facing a phasor. For a moment she hesitated, maybe better to wait until Gar had killed her? But Hemux shrugged her shoulders, if she was smart then Cedria Zade would grab the opportunity and then Hemux could use the footage from her cams to get her loyalty, if Zade wasn't that smart, well then she would be dead and everyone would blame the dead Trill for the events to come. In both ways, it would be good for Hemux.

With a big smile she flipped a switch, turning all lights down in the ship... This would be the diversion Zade and Steel needed, she hoped they both where ready to take their chances.


A short one, but take it or leave it, guys...


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux CSciO , USS HOOD NCC 1703


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What Does Comprimised Actually Mean?

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.090

MD: 2.1100

Scene: Captain’s Quarters, TSS HOOD


~Captains Quarters~

Corbett entered the cabin and immediately sat down in front of the desk in the Captain’s work area and put the Tequila bottle on the desktop.

“Stile you look pale as ghost. What the hell did you learn?” Steele asked concern evident on his face.

“That I’m married.” He said taking a small swig from the bottle


“Too who?” Jack asked knowing that given their situation the information could wait. But wanting to know just the same. Stile took another swig before filling Jack in on what he had found out. “We we certainly seem to indulge our desires over here.”

“Do we now?” Stile said, perking up at the implication. “And just what desires did our stalwart captain indulge in?” He passed the bottle over, but Jack shook his head, now really wasn’t the time. “And more importantly,” the doctor continued, “with whom?’

Jack looked decidedly embarrassed at the question and was thankful the computer beeped giving him a few seconds of reprieve while he changed chips. “When I walked in my cabin I found, uh, well Lieutenant Steering was in, um. Well lets say she was in a compromising position.”

“Really?” The doctor drawled. “And did you help compromise her further?”

“No! Of course not! I mean, I’m not stupid I have to play the part but c’mon, she’s my HELM officer.”

“Not in this universe. Well you know what I mean.” Stile clarified.

The computer beeped again and Jack pulled out the last chip. “I’ve recorded as much information from the computer banks as I dared. I’ve tried to cover all the major topics. The historians and sociologists will have a field day, not to mention the engineers.” Jack explained happy to get the topic back to the mission at hand. “But I think we’ve hid here as long as is reasonably safe. I’ve set a few things in motion to help provide a distraction for us but I think I might actually have lit the fuse to a powder keg. Either way we need to move.”

As if on cue his communicator beeped.


Just a short one to get me caught up.



CAPT Jack Steele